What's Better For Your Marriage Than a Romantic Date?

By Jimmy Sliwa

What’s better for your marriage than grand gesture or a romantic night on the town – Small Romance Often.


Research shows that if you want to make a BIG impact on your marriage, take small steps of romance daily. Thoughtful gestures done often is far more impactful on a marriage than even a lavish vacation or a romantic date night.


Love is fed by everyday moments of connection. Not gorging yourself on extravagant romance.


As some may have noticed, I took a 2 month break from posting blog posts this past Christmas season. The reason was that I was missing the small moments of connection that my wife was craving.


She brought to my attention the fact that I was pouring more into my hobby blog than into my own marriage. Ouch! The truth hurts sometimes.


It was difficult to take a step back from the blog because I thought my social media followers and email subscribers would fade away. I was fearful that if I didn’t keep working then I would become irrelevant. I had a choice to make.


Choose to prioritize my marriage or my hobby blog.


Of course, it was a no-brainer, and I made the decision to prioritize my marriage. Practically speaking, I put an emphasis on small daily doses of romance.


One date night wouldn’t solve my wife’s longing for connection.




She needed me to be intentional and to pursue her on a routine basis. These seemingly small and thoughtful gestures spoke volumes to my wife and my marriage reaped huge rewards.


You can do the same. I want to challenge you along with myself.


If you are noticing that your relationship is “off” take a step back and evaluate whether or not you are incorporating thoughtful gestures.


If you are honest with yourself and are missing the mark, then try putting these into practice and see if you notice a difference.


Here are 20 simple, romantic gestures you can do daily to improve your marriage.  

20 Small Gestures of Daily Romance

1. Text her sweet words

2. Hold her hand

3. Kiss her forehead

4. Compliment her beauty

5. Cook a meal

6. Take the kids off her hands

7. Write her a love note

8. Clean her car

9. Write a poem

10. Fill up her car with gas

11. Pick up flowers at the grocery store

12. Dance with her in the kitchen

13. Serve her coffee

14. Make her favorite desert

15. Massage her feet

16. Do “her” chores

17. Draw her a bath

18. Buy her a small gift

19. Flirt with her

20. Listen to her without interruption



Small romance done often is more important in your relationship than a lavish date night. Don’t neglect the seemingly small moments of connection.


Instead, use these opportunities to pursue your wife. Remember, you reap what you sow. If you sow loving gestures consistently, you will reap a wonderful marriage connection.