What Your Wife Wants on Date Night

By Jimmy Sliwa

You already know that date night is important for a healthy marriage. 

What you may not know is what your wife wants from you on date night. 

In this post I will share with you 5 things your wife wants from you the next time you go out on a date. 

If you make an effort to meet these items, then date night will be a huge success. 

1. She Wants Forethought

Your wife can tell the difference between a well thought out date and a last-minute shot from the hip. If you are planning to take your wife out, don’t wait until the last minute. Put some forethought into the date.

  • Make reservations to the restaurant
  • make plans after the meal
  • surprise her with flowers

It doesn’t take a lot – it takes a thought! It’s the small and subtle touches that make date night special.  

2. She Wants Your Attention

You wife wants your attention on date night. Don’t bring your boss, co-workers, or the boys out to dinner. Leave behind the clutter and focus on the beauty in front of you. 

If you need to; settle your scores before the night begins! You can even write down your concerns or a to-do list so you can clear your mind and give your wife your full attention. Your wife wants to know that you adore her…so don’t ignore her. 

3. She Wants to Have Fun

Date night should be fun. That means you should laugh, smile, and be lighthearted. Don’t bring up big topics (i.e. finances). Keep the conversation fun and light. Throw in plenty of compliments and lighthearted jokes. 

Oh yea, and make sure you flirt! If you are not flirting on date night, you are doing something wrong.

Flirt With Your Wife Again: 15 Tips – The Husband’s Club (thehusbandsclub.com)

4. She Wants to Feel Special

Out of all the women in the world you chose her! 

Don’t make the mistake of taking her for granted. She deserves to know she is set apart. Date night is the prime opportunity to make your wife feel set apart from the rest. 

There are countless ways to make her feel special, but my favorite is through words of affirmation.  

Affirm her beauty. Affirm her character. Affirm her love.

5. She Wants to Make Memories

Why do you think that you wife takes so many pictures on her phone? It’s because she wants to look back on all the great memories.


Make date night memorable by being a little creative. Scrap the status quo and be a little spontaneous. Trust me, unique is much more memorable than ordinary.


Making date night special does take a little work.

 It doesn’t have to be expensive, and it doesn’t have to be grand. It does have to be genuine and thoughtful, however. 

If you make your wife feel special and feel wanted, then date night will be a success. 

The result – a deeper connection with your wife. It’s true that couples that prioritize date night at least once a month are happier than couples that skip regular dates. 

If you need some ideas for date night, we have your back with our ever-growing list of date ideas!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Rebecca

    I like that you’re not trying to come up with the over-the-top date night. That feels unsustainable. “It doesn’t take a lot – it takes a thought!” And it’s this thoughtfulness that I think women crave.

    When my husband is thoughtful enough to INVITE me out, I can feel him thinking about me and wondering how to keep our marriage vital. This takes some of my mental load away because I know I’m not the only one wanting to keep our love life fresh.

    1. jimmy.sliwa

      Thank you Rebecca. Yes, it is often the thoughtfulness that women crave. Sounds like you have a great husband.

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