The Number 1 Reason Husbands Don't Date Their Wives Anymore

By Jimmy Sliwa

Let’s play a game. I am going to list out 3 potential reasons why husbands don’t date their wives anymore. I want you to then choose which one is the true reason.


1. He is disinterested in going out on dates

2. He is too busy with work and hobbies to make the time

3. He has different priorities than his wife

The answer is obviously choice # 3. The number one reason why husbands don’t date their wives anymore is because their priorities are not the same as their wife’s. It’s not that husbands don’t love their wives. Most husbands adore their wives. It has more to do with mismatched priorities than not wanting to go on dates. 

Using myself as an example; my top priorities are to provide and protect. When I became a family man I went right to work and began to make a living for my family. I want good things for my family: things like a nice house, reliable cars, and modern conveniences. I also want my family to be safe. This is why I value health insurance, home security systems, and saving for retirement. 

A good husband loves his wife. That is why they choose to provide and protect their families. This is a very important part of a healthy relationship.

Women, on the other aisle, have different priorities than men.  Women’s top priorities are to nurture and connect. This is why many women make houses homely and why they tend to be more sentimental. Our house is cozy, and I have little to do with that. My wife is the one who has chosen the artwork and colors that make our home inviting.

Furthermore she tends to be much more sentimental. If you took one look at my wife’s iPhone pictures and compared them to mine, you could see the difference in sentiment.   

Anna = Sentimental
Jimmy = Practical

Can you see the difference?

Ok great; we now know why men don’t date their wives, but what do we do with this information? Obviously, as the founder of The Husband’s Club I think it’s vital that husbands date their spouse. As Levi Lusko the pastor of Fresh Life Church once put it “Date your mate or someone else will.” 

While this could become a sad truth, the more readily outcome of not dating your spouse is that you will lose connection.  Connection is vital to all relationships. If you lose connection with your spouse, you lose everything. Similar to a light switch that short circuits, failing to stay connected to your spouse will cause the lights of intimacy to dim. 

Date night (or day) is not about checking something off your long list of “To-Do’s;” it’s about reconnecting. We are created for connection. I repeat, human beings are created to connect with others. When it comes to our spouse, they should be the one person in the world that knows us most intimately. The purpose of dating your mate is to create that connection. 

So Husband’s, we have an obligation to make dates happen. You can think of date night as a way to provide for your wife. She needs more than money and safety to be happy. She NEEDS you to be thoughtful, gentle, and intentional. I can do much better and so can you!

4 Date Ideas You Can Do Tonight

Toilet Paper Bowling

Grab the toilet paper in the house and make a bowling alley. Have all the bowling fix’ns ready to go (finger foods, 90s music, score card, neon lights, glow sticks, swivel chairs). Go crazy on creativity 

Create Art for the house

With a blank canvas and some paint you can make some unique art project that could be hung up in your house.  Abstract art is best cause its abstract and if you mess up then no one will know

Create an Indoor Campsite

Classic date night in. Create an indoor campsite. The more touches you add the better (Christmas lights, fireplace video on youtube, lots of pillows, movie, etc…) 

Blindfolded Baking

Choose a great recipe that you both love. Choose a partner to be blindfolded and another to make the meal. Watch out so fingers don’t get cut off.