4 Ways Husbands Can Boost Sex Appeal

By Jimmy Sliwa

Men and women are on different arenas in the sport of sex. 

Men are like the quarterback; they are involved in every play. 🏈


Women, on the other hand are like the kicker. They less seldom take the field, but when they do the game can be in their hands. 🙌 


All analogies aside, men and women think of sex in two totally different ways. If you are married, I don’t really need to dive into the differences between men and women; we have all experienced them firsthand.



What we need to dissect is how we can tip the scales in our favor to experience more physical intimacy in marriage.



You can do this by boosting your sex appeal. 🚀

We have established that men and women view sex appeal differently. (duh)


Men are visual and focus much of their attention on physical appearance. Is this vain?


No, I don’t think so. It’s how men were created. We are visual creatures and this can not be changed. It’s not bad that men are attracted to physical appearance as longs as it there is substance beneath the makeup. 


Women on the other hand view sexiness in another light. According to my wife, women are attracted to a guy with charm. Yes, women care about physical appearance, but sex appeal has more to do with charisma and charm then it does appearance alone. 


Charisma displays a sense of self confidence while charm displays a guy in pursuit of a woman. Confidence and pursuit are a winning play to tip the scales in your favor.


So if you are looking to increase your sex appeal as a husband, focus on your charisma and charm.


Below are 4 great ways to Boost your sex appeal….


1. Your Wife First and Foremost Wants to Feel Pursued

Nearly all women have a deep longing for being desirable and sought after. Think back to the dating game when you were actively pursuing your girlfriend; she blossomed. We were the water and sunshine she needed to flourish. 

In contrast, if we become complacent due to the busyness of life then our wife will feel second rate. A wife that feels second rate will not have sex on her mind.

So if you want to tip the scales in your favor, make pursuing her your first goal. 

This can take many forms: buying flowers unexpectedly, leaving a morning note, cleaning the snow off her car, taking the kids off her hands

2. Your Wife Wants to Feel Safe

Secondly, your wife wants to feel safe. Sure, there are strong and independent women out there, but deep in a women’s core she wants to feel safe with her spouse.

And this is not just safety from physical harm. It covers emotional and social safety as well.

Your wife wants to know that you have eyes only for her. She wants to know that you will do whatever it takes to get your family through hard times. She wants a husband that will hold her hand in a crowd and edify her through words and actions.

There is comfort in feeling safe. Safety builds a bond of trust between a husband and a wife. If your wife does not feel safe, sex will be the last thing on her mind. Aim to make your wives safety a priority: physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. 

3. Your Wife Wants to be a Part of an Adventure

It is faulty thinking to believe that your wife is content taking bubble baths and doing her nails daily. No, women long to have a crucial role in an adventure. They long to be a part of something bigger than themselves and have a role that is unique to the mission. 

So, plan a mission and include your wife. Give her a role. This may look like planning a camping trip and giving her the task of planning the evening game. Or, maybe you volunteer at a homeless shelter together. Or perhaps you begin a home project and let her choose the colors and decorations.

4. Your Wife Wants to be Prioritized

 Yes, it is true that men cannot multitask. With this in mind, men need to focus. So, when it comes to romancing your wife, focus on her. 

Drop the concerns of the football score or the downward trending of the stock market and FOCUS on your wife (if only for a time). Believe me, your wife can tell when you are checked out or checked in. 

Conclusion: 4 Ways to Boost Your Sex Appeal

Pursue Your Wife

Tell her how beautiful she is. Buy her flowers. Take the kids off her hands. Leave her love notes. Buy her coffee. Randomly do chores so she doesn’t have to. Detail her car.

MAke Her Feel Safe

Let her know your eyes are only for her. Be confident in your decision. Hold her hand in public. Give her your coat if she is cold. Set up a home security system. 

Be Adventurers

Plan a trip and give your wife a fun role. Start a home project together. Volunteer together. Write a song together. 

Prioritize Your Wife

Actively listen to your wife (repeat what she is saying back to you). Ask her how she is feeling today. Satisfy her love language. Be engaged in conversation. Put your phone down. 

If You are Going to Check Out; Check out Your Wife.