How to Recession Proof Your Marriage

By Jimmy Sliwa

The US inflation rate is the highest it’s been in 40 years. This means that your money is losing value if it’s just sitting around. The only hedge against keeping your money’s value is to invest it.


The same goes for marriage. If you don’t invest in your marriage, it will lose value.


If you simply coast through your relationship, it will never grow or mature. Like a savings account, you will only get out what you make regular deposits too.


Great marriages don’t just happen – they’re made. 

How Do You Invest in Your Marriage?

There are two options: Time and Resources.

You can tell a lot about a relationship in how time and resources are spent. Selfish individuals spend their time and money on their own selfish desires. “I earned it, so I am going to spend it!”

 — Me, Mine, Myself.

In marriage, it should be the opposite. 


In a good marriage, each partner should spend time and resources trying to fill up their spouse’s cup. This is what it means to invest in your marriage.

Good marriages exist when a husband and a wife invest their time and resources, pouring into their spouse. 


Where you spend your time shows where your interests are. Investing TIME into your marriage means that you are intentional to spend QUALITY time with your wife.  

  • Uninterrupted time.
  • Undivided attention.  
  • Unrestricted vulnerability

Remember, you get what you spend your time pursuing. You should make it a goal to spend time making memories with your wife. The more time you spend together, the more intimate your relationship will be.

Recent research reveals that you should spend at least 5 1/2 hours of quality time with your spouse each week.

Where you invest your time is where you invest your life. 

Resources (money / skills)

Investing Resources into your marriage means that you put the needs of your spouse ahead of your own.

You know the saying – “
You get what you pay for.” Well, if you pay for cheap dates and pay for cheap gifts, you get a cheap marriage. How you spend your money reveals where you place your value.


If you spend your resources on occasional gifts or experiences with your wife, then it shows that you value her.


My favorite way to spend money on my wife is to give her experiences.


That way we can spend quality time together doing something fun and making memories.    


Why Should You Invest in Your Marriage?

Invest in your marriage

The #1 reason that you should invest in your marriage is that if you don’t, your relationship will lose value. 


If you don’t invest time and resources into your marriage, then your relationship will drift apart. Just like a cash overtime – inflation devalues. 


Instead, aim to make deposits of time and resources a regular part of your relationship routine. If you need more reasons why you should invest in your marriage check out the list below. 


You should invest in your marriage because it pays dividends.

  • Married couples have more wealth than divorced couples
  • Married men are happier than single men
  • Married men tend to be healthier than single men
  • Married couples have better emotional stability than single couples
  • Married couples leave a greater legacy


6 Practical Ways to Invest in Your Marriage

1. Eat dinner together as a family

2. Take care of your wife when she is sick

3. Schedule a regular date night (we suggest bi-weekly)

4. Affirm your wife with plenty of compliments

5. Surprise your wife with the occasional gift (big or small)

7. Join a community of like-minded husbands