My Wife Isn't the Same Girl I Married

By Jimmy Sliwa



That would be weird if you were still married to a 23-year-old woman with college debt and little life experience.


The reality is that people change. This is not just ok; it is vital to any healthy relationship.


You should be glad that your wife is no longer the same woman that you married. You should rejoice that she has matured and grown as compared to when you first got married. 


Over the years, I have seen my wife change. She has become more confident, grown a backbone, and become less concerned about a messy house. As she has stepped into new roles of motherhood and homemaker, she has become a totally new person. 


Perhaps the biggest change that I have witnessed was seeing my wife become a mother.


Before motherhood, my wife was spontaneous and had all sorts of hobbies. Through pregnancy and the birth of my son, my wife became a whole new person.


Not only did her body physically change as she grew our baby boy, she underwent significant personality changes.


What do I mean?????


  • She became less spontaneous and opted for 8 PM bedtimes to keep a consistent sleep schedule. 
  • She didn’t wear cute clothes because who wants to get poop, pee, or boogers on a nice outfit.
  • And she faced an identity crisis as she lost her identity because she poured all of herself into our son Jayden. 

Did pregnancy change my wife?


Yup; she just isn’t the same girl that I married. And I couldn’t be more proud to stand back and watch her grow.


Some use the excuse that their wife isn’t the same girl they married as a grounds for divorce.


The problem with this thinking is that the lens is broken. When my son dropped grandpa’s binoculars the lenses were no longer aligned. When glassing for moose across the Palmer Hay Flats you couldn’t focus because you had double vision.


If you find yourself questioning why your wife’s personality has changed, it’s time to get yourself a new pair of binoculars. Get good quality lenses that show you what has happened under the surface. 


Don’t settle for double vision.


The way I choose to see it is that my wife’s love is not gone its actually multiplied. Her spontaneity is not M.I.A. it’s actually intentionally set aside so that our son can see that he is her number 1 priority. 


Learn to see your wife’s changes as maturity and growth; not as something bad. After all you wouldn’t want to still be married to someone that never had any positive growth

The Longer You Know Someone, the More Opportunity to Fall in Love All Over Again