My Break Up Letter to Porn

By Jimmy Sliwa

Porn nearly destroyed my marriage.


I had a great thing going; a beautiful wife, two lovely children, and a six figure career. The problem is that I lacked the self control and honesty to confront pornography.


It was this way until my wife discovered my porn habit and made me choose; her or porn. 


For me the choice was a no-brainer, but like any sour relationship I needed a formal break up.


I got the idea to write a breakup letter to porn from the podcast Marriage After God.


It was here that I heard the host Aaron Smith talk about his letter that he wrote to pornography. Inspired and sickened by my choices I decided to write a letter of my own.


Here it is…

Dear Porn,


I had heard of you growing up, but never met you until I was 13 years old. I was surprised to meet you at my Christian School, but soon you were everywhere. You have been with me through ups and downs, but most often in my down seasons is when you were closest.


Although I have had you with me, I have come to the realization that you have lied to me. You promised an escape and joy, but all I have now is regret, shame, disgust, and a heavy heart.


You see I gave you up when I met a girl named Anna. She made the same promises; to love me, give me joy, life, children, and love. And she never faltered in those promises. But she never knew of you, my dirty/ secret love affair. And now you have stolen the single most important person in my life. The one person that I vowed to love and cherish. The person I vowed to be honest and open with. I chose you over her on numerous occasions because you continued to make promises.


But you lied to me, and I in turn lied to my wife. This caused a division in our oneness. I am left with a shameful and disgusted heart while Anna is left with unimaginable pain, sadness, anger, and disappointment. You porn have caused this grief and heart ache. You are evil and deceitful.


We are over! I never want to see you again. Get out of my house. Get out of my life. Get out of the way because I am going after Anna. Her promises are true and she is truly beautiful. I want nothing more than to make amends with her and earn her love back. And you lies… GO AWAY!. Get behind me.


I am seeking honesty and openness, even if I am embarrassed or shamed. I understand the only way to love Anna is to be honest, trustworthy, and have integrity.

Jesus help me! Holy Spirit be here!




James M. Sliwa


Porn is terrible for marriages. If you have found yourself entrenched in pornography, maybe it’s time that you write a formal break up letter to porn. 


I am passionate about helping men get free from pornography. In my opinion, it is one of the most destructive things to a thriving marriage. 


If you are a guy that struggles with pornography and wants to get out from under it’s hold feel free to send me an e-mail 


I’ll respond to every e-mail that I get. I am working on an e-book and will send you a free copy when it is done. Peace!

Love > Lust