Marriage Advice Your Bound to Hear at a Wedding

By Jimmy Sliwa

Wedding speeches are chalk full of marriage advice. From the maid of honor to the father of the bride, everyone seems to have an opinion on making a marriage last.


But is the information any good? I’ll let you decide for yourself.


Here are 10 words of wisdom you will hear at weddings.

10 Words of Advice You'll Hear at Weddings

1. A Three Braided Cord is Not Easily Broken -Put God First.

2. Fight Naked.


3. Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Your Anger.


4. Be the First to Say “I’m Sorry.”


5. Communcation, Communication, Communication.

6. Never Stop Dating.


7. Love Your Spouse Even When You Don’t Like Them.


8. Actions Speak Louder Than Words – Love With Action.


9. Marriage Isn’t 50/50, It’s 100/100.


10. Don’t Put Your Kids Ahead of Your Spouse. 

Our Marriage Advice

Everyone and their grandmother seem to have advice on making marriage work. Unfortunately, nearly 50% of US marriages end in divorce. Yikes!


Is it that couples are not taking the marriage advice or is the advice they receive wrong?


In our opinion, the advice is actually pretty great. I particularly like the answers to put God first and to fight naked.


But words without action are dead. You can hear advice, but not receive it and put it into practice. It’s kind of like losing weight.


We all know that diet and exercise is the key to losing weight, but it takes discipline to make it a reality.


The same goes for marriage. It takes discipline and sacrifice to make marriage work. Namely, you have to learn to lay yourself down in order to support your wife.


Marriage really helped me see how selfish I had become. Only 4 years into our marriage and I was hooked on porn and lying to my wife about it. I just wasn’t ready to give up my terrible habits. And I certainly wasn’t going to tell my wife about them.


But thanks to divine intervention and a wife that won’t take any crap, I have seen how selfish I really was. What I discovered was that selfishness is the antithesis of a lasting marriage. 


If a lasting marriage is your goal (and it should be), then selfishness has got to go! It’s impossible to have a thriving marriage and be focused on me, me, me. The only way that two flawed humans can thrive in relationship is if they both choose to put their spouse first. 


The servant mindset will sustain a lasting marriage. 


If I ever am given the opportunity to share advice at a wedding, this is the advice I will give.


eh eh eh (clears throat) 


Selfishness is the antithesis of a lasting marriage. Make serving your spouse your number 1 priority and all will go well for you.