Give Your Wife a Reason to Kiss You

By Jimmy Sliwa

I must have kissed my wife a total of 10,000 times over the last decade. I have kissed her so many times it has actually become routine. This isn’t bad, but routine can lead to monotony. And monotony is a silent killer in marriage.

I can distinctly remember kissing Anna for the first time. I worked so hard to be smooth and sweet when I made the first move. I spent hours planning a date and made sure that I looked suave so as to attract her from all angles.

All the hard work paid off and we shared an unforgettable kiss.

From Our Honeymoon In Mexico

Times have changed. 

Now when I get home from work I walk right up to Anna and plant a kiss; sometimes before saying “hello.” 

It’s good to be comfortable with your wife, but you never want to take her for granted. The last thing I want is kissing my wife to become ordinary. 

Your wife doesn’t owe you a kiss, the same way that you don’t owe her snuggles. A kiss is actually a reward. 

A kiss is a symbol of endearment. It’s one of the best ways to express love and affection. This is why kissing is reserved for committed couples.  Endearment is earned through consistent romance. So, if you like smooching your wife, she needs some romance

There are countless opportunities throughout the day romance your wife. Notes, gifts, compliments, or surprise gestures; it doesn’t really matter which you choose, you just need to make an effort.

A little effort will go a long way. Thoughtfulness demonstrates to your wife that you care about her. She will be more welcome to a smooch if you have shown her consistent thoughtfulness. 

Another thing to keep in mind is that delivery matters. Similar to the punchline of a hilarious joke going sour, an improperly placed kiss can actually be a serious turn-off. Nobody wants that! 

Think before you kiss.

For example; when I come home from work and have not seen my wife all day long the best approach is a small peck on the cheek rather than going for a make-out session. The last thing my wife wants is to drop what she is doing to make-out, especially if she has had a tough day. So think of delivering a kiss like timing a joke. 

Read the situation before landing a wet one.

Make Yourself More Kissable

Play Hard to Get.

Guys need to play hard to get sometimes too. Going right in for a make-out session or trying to grope your wife will turn her off. Fail! Aim for small, gentle touches and then walk away. Create a little mystery in your intentions. 

Smell Good.

It’s hard to kiss someone who smells bad. I don’t have first-hand experience with this, but I can imagine that B.O. is a no go when it comes to kissing. 

Compliment Her.

Everyone likes a good compliment. This includes your wife. She wants to know you have been noticing her and that she “still has it.” So, tell her she is beautiful and specifically compliment a part on her body (i.e. eyes, legs, smile). 

Make the Decisions.

Most women want their husband to be decisive. Make a choice and have the confidence to see it through. Confidence will go a long way towards making you more kissable. A wishy/washy husband has no place in The Husband’s Club.

Surprise Her With a NOte.

A surprise note is one of the most simple yet thoughtful gestures you as a husband can do. This lets your wife know you are thinking of her even when are not around her. 

Wine and Dine Her.

Date nights are critical. If you don’t take the time to date your mate someone else might try too. Wining and Dining is all about making your wife your priority!

Love Your Wife Like Only You Can.