Flirt With Your Wife Again: 15 Tips

By Jimmy Sliwa

Do you still flirt with your wife? Or have you just given up all together?

You may have thought that flirting was reserved for dating couples. But you would be wrong!

Flirting is for all couples. 

In fact, regular flirting is a sign of a healthy relationship; this includes the marriage relationship.

Does your marriage still involve a good dose of flirting?

What is the purpose of flirting anyhow?


Flirting is behaving as though you are attracted to or trying to attract someone.


It’s playful. It’s fun. It’s spontaneous.


The purpose of flirting is to let that special someone know that you are interested in them. It serves to let them know that you have the hots for them. 🔥


Think back to when you were dating. Remember the butterflies and the playful teasing. There were so many different ways you got your flirt on with your girlfriend (now wife)!


Flirting was how you grew more intimate. Without it, your relationship would have been mundane and quite frankly never have lasted. The playful banter is what spices up your relationship.


Do You Behave as Though You Are Attracted to Your Wife?

Do you behave as though you are attracted to your wife? Or are you serious all the time?

It’s easy to excuse the playful flirting as “something we once did.” Marriage is tough and comes with lots of responsibilities.

And as the responsibilities pile up, it is so easy to lose the playful side. 

But regular flirting is healthy for your marriage as it promotes innocence and plants joy back into the relationship. 

In a 2012 study out of the University of Kentucky, it was found that regular flirting is a means of maintaining and emphasizing intimacy. 

If you have found that you are less spontaneous and playful, then maybe you have lost your flirtatious touch. 

In this post I will give you 15 Great Examples to Bring Flirting Back Into Your Marriage Relationship.

15 Ways to Bring Flirting Back Into Marriage

1. Whistle At Your Wife in Public

Go ahead and give your wife a cat call while in public. Let her and others know that you have the hots for your wife. 

2. Play Footsie

Play footsie with your wife wherever you are; at a restaurant, church, or children’s recital? 

This is the most fun in a public setting: just try not to get caught.

3. Slide Your Hand In Her Back Pocket and Keep It There

A little PDA is a wonderful way to get your flirt on. The next time you are walking side by side, try slipping your hand into her back pocket and keep it there. 

4. Whisper "Sweet Nothings" Into Her Ear

5. Use Pick Up Lines on Your Wife

Are pick up lines cheesy? Yes. 

But they will still work to get your wife to blush. What other reason do you need to try out one-liners out on your wife?

Here are 21 On-liners that are sure to work on your wife!

6. Use Plenty of Non-Sexual Touch

Small and subtle touch is very effective for letting your wife know that you are into her.

Remember, the goal is NOT to cop a feel. The goal is to let your wife know that you want her and have a nurturing side. The goal is to promote closeness to your wife without putting any expectations on her. 

If you want quality flirting with your wife, try one of these five moves instead…

5 Ways Touch Can Turn Her On. 

7. Send Naughty Texts to Your Wife

Text messages are a simple yet highly effective way to get your wife’s attention. Take it to the next level by sending her a naughty text message. 


“I dreamt about you last night.”

“Don’t work too hard… save some energy for tonight.”

8. Write Her a Poem

Poetry has a way of speaking to a woman’s soul. Connect with your wife by writing her a love poem. The effort and intention is well worth it!

9. Call Her By Pet Names

Pet names are flirtatious names that can take the place of your wife’s name.


  • Sweetheart. Beautiful Lady. Sweet Pea. Pumpkin. Love. Wonder Woman. Angel. Bae. Hot Mama. Sexy. Honey pie…

You get the point!

10. Get Caught Checking Out Your Wife

If you are going to check out, then check out your wife. It’s ok if she catches you checking her out. In fact, it’s even better when she catches you giving her the eye.

Make it more fun with a wink and a smile.

11. Leave Her Sweet Notes

If your wife likes the movie the “Notebook” then she will love getting sweet little love notes from you. This will be a reminder that she is on your mind even when you are not around her. 

If you want a little more creativity to your love notes try these. 11 Creative Love Notes That Deliver

12. Give Her a Massage

Touch is a powerful sense. Maximize your flirting by giving your wife a lengthy massage. Go ahead and get handsy but save a little touch for the imagination. 

13. Playfully Tickle Her

The next time you are cuddling on the couch you can get a little playful by tickling her. It’s a balancing act so don’t go overboard. But a little laughter is a terrific way to be a little flirtatious. 

14. Write Her a Song

This one crosses off both romantic and flirtatious. If you have a musical talent, try writing her a love song. 

15. Compliment Her Physical Traits

What is it that you notice about your wife? is it her smile? Or perhaps the way that her eyes sparkle?

Make these physical attributes known to your wife.

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