4 Simple Ways to Date Your Wife Again

By Jimmy Sliwa

Wouldn’t it be fun to feel the butterflies all over again?

I can still remember meeting my wife for the first time. It’s imprinted in my memory how she looked, smelled, and carried herself. My heart was racing!

But sadly, the butterflies fade and the rush mellows out.

This is probably a good thing because it would be impractical to be on a high all the time. Plus, I would be exhausted staying up till 1AM like I used to when we were dating.

But the reality is that it’s good to feel the energy in your marriage from time to time.

And your wife wants to feel pursued by you just like the ‘good ole days.’

Even if the romance is a thing of the past, it’s possible to bring back the dating energy. All you need is to pursue her again!

Remember, she is still worth chasing after.

In this post, I will share 4 practical tips to help you Date Your Wife All Over Again.

4 Simple Ways to Date Your Wife Again

1. Walk Down Memory Lane

The quickest way to bring back the butterflies is to take a walk down memory lane. Reminiscing on the exciting times helps to solidify the admiration that was there from the start of the relationship. Walking down memory lane with your spouse is an exercise that helps to build both admiration and fondness. 

It does this by helping you focus on what was good in the relationship rather than what challenges lie ahead. With every season of life comes good and bad times. Make sure to revisit the good times to build that lasting fondness with your wife.

Pro tip –> Reminisce with your wife about the start of your romance. Talk about your first date – the nerves, excitement, and funny moments – and what led you to fall in love. *** bonus points if you can find old pictures and letters from when you two were dating.

2. Start Small

Dating your wife again doesn’t need to be extravagant. Actually, small romance done often is more important than even a lavish vacation. The small gestures such as texting her something sweet or bringing her coffee in bed will help to revitalize the energy in your relationship. If you don’t believe me, consider this…

When someone loses their spouse, its the small moments that are missed the most. Widows share that it’s the sound of their husbands voice or how he used to serve her coffee in the morning that is deeply missed. You see, the little things matter!

Bigger isn’t always better when it comes to dating your spouse.

Love is fed by everyday moments of connection. Not gorging yourself on extravagant romance every once-in-a-while.

3. Never Stop Studying Her

If you want to maintain a deep connection in your relationship, there is one thing you must never stop doing. Never stop studying your wife. What am I referring too? I am referring to the idea that you should always study your wife so that you learn what makes her tick. If you don’t already know, learn her coffee order, learn her love language, or learn her personality style. This way you can pursue her in the ways that she wants and needs to be pursued!

You study your wife by asking her questions about herself, listening to her, and watching her. If you love something, you will make the time to study it.

4. Be Practical - Not Whimsical

Whimsy may have gotten you through the dating stage but now that you are familiar with your bride, you need to be more practical. What do I mean by practical?  I am referring to scheduling in plans and making sure to follow through.

It’s not the thought that counts…it’s the follow through!

Practically speaking this looks like

  • Scheduling date night on the calendar
  • Putting reminders in your phone for important dates
  • Learning her love language 
  • Scheduling in sex (yes this builds intimacy too)

Maybe you put reminders in your phone or maybe you choose 1 day a week that is dedicated to date night. Whatever it is, it’s best to keep things simple.