Are We Still Married in Heaven?
Are marriages, as we know them, meant to last beyond this life?
Are marriages, as we know them, meant to last beyond this life?
It's undeniable, being a DINKWAD comes with some serious perks: extra income, fewer responsibilities, and the freedom to live life on your own terms. It's a wonderful time in life, but it's important to remember that this lifestyle is just one chapter.
You don't have to be a sap to romance your wife. You can do this in the manliest of ways. That way you will maintain the respect of your guy friends.
There is a lot society gets wrong about love. I call this the "Fairy Tale Mindset." Rather than be whimsical about love, its much better to be practical. Here are 7 Rules of Thumb to Strengthen Your Marriage.
While I feel insignificant in the universe, I enjoy holding fast to my wife who gives my life meaning.
A good husband is so much more than just a spouse—he can be a partner, a best friend, and even the source of your best inside jokes. Go ahead and embrace that unique nickname.
A relationship rut is a period in which a romantic partnership feels stuck, stagnant, or stale. While a rut doesn't necessarily indicate serious problems, it can be a signal that the relationship needs attention. Think of it as a check engine light on in your car.
While conventional wisdom says wait until you’re older and more established before getting married, there are unique advantages that come only to those that marry young.
If you are tired of the over-commercialization of Valentine's Day, here are 9 Alternative Ways to Celebrate.
Treating your wife like a lady means showing her care in ways that make her feel cherished. It’s rooted in attentiveness and embodied in the principles of being a gentleman.