Cozy Cabin Date

All humans crave adventure. The outdoors are an amazing way to satisfy that longing. Cut back on technology and rough it for the weekend. There is no better way to connect with your spouse than to take her to a cabin. 

Step By Step Process

Head over to Camping & Campground Reservations Online | ReserveAmerica . 


Here you will find locations near you that you can reserve. I chose to stay at the public use cabins in Nancy Lake Recreation Area because it was close to home and only a half mile hike from the road. Plus the cabin had a wood stove which I was eager to try out. 

Don’t be the guy that forgets matches. Below is a quick list of basic essentials:

  1. Matches
  2. Sleeping bags
  3. Firewood
  4.  Personal Hygiene
  5. Entertainment: playing cards, dice, 
  6. Water
  7. Food 
Here is complete packing guide for ultimate planning:

Don’t procrastinate. Begin packing days in advance so that you remember all the items you need. My wife loves to go camping but she prefers to be comfortable rather than rough it. Nothing is more disappointing than getting the tent unpacked and realizing you forgot the matches. Don’t be that guy.