I Dare You To Jenga

https://youtu.be/em35wPl5AWw I Dare You to Jenga We have all played Jenga. But take this classic game and give it a twist of love. Play truth or dare Jenga style to learn about your partner more intimately.  Step By Step Process Purchase a Jenga Set and Whip Cream Amazon.com: Jenga Game Wooden Blocks…

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Language of Love

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHOmBV4js_E Language of Love If you are married and don't know your wife's love language you are navigating romance blindly. Study your wife and learn her love language so you can love her in the ways that she wants and needs! Then treat her to a date night where you satisfy each…

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Cozy Cabin Date

https://youtu.be/f-xmrLFYL98 Cozy Cabin Date All humans crave adventure. The outdoors are an amazing way to satisfy that longing. Cut back on technology and rough it for the weekend. There is no better way to connect with your spouse than to take her to a cabin.  Step By Step Process Reserve a Camp…

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Is Chivalry Dead?

Is Chivalry Dead? By Jimmy Sliwa Is chivalry dead?  As much as I'd like to shout NO, our culture would suggest otherwise. At least in the realm of marriage that is.  Take a look at these daunting statistics...  By Jimmy Sliwa Is chivalry nearing extinction? I sure know in my marriage it…

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