Are We Still Married in Heaven?

By Jimmy Sliwa

My Grandpa passed on Easter Sunday, 2022. With family gathered around to comfort Grandma, I can still remember her say through her tears, What better day for the Lord to take him home!”

Since that day, Grandma has been buying time until she can be reunited with Grandpa in heaven.

60+ years of marriage will do that to you.

That day is locked in my memory, and it really got me thinking: What is heaven like? 

And specifically, will there still be marriage in heaven?

I know I’m not the only one to question this; especially those who have loved deeply and lost. The idea of eternal companionship is comforting, but I want to know what Scripture says on the matter. 

Are marriages, as we know them, meant to last beyond this life?

In this post, we’ll explore what the Bible teaches about marriage in heaven, what it means for those we’ve lost, and how this perspective can shape the way we love and cherish our spouse today.

The Biblical Perspective

In Christianity, the question of marriage in heaven has been addressed by various theologians, and the Bible offers some clues.

It may be surprising to you, but Jesus actually had something to say about this matter.

One of the most referenced passages comes from the Gospel of Matthew, where Jesus is asked about the resurrection and marriage. In Matthew 22:29-30, Jesus responds:

“You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.”  -Matthew 22:29-30

This passage suggests that in heaven, the institution of marriage as we know it, will no longer exist. 

In future glory, relationships will be transformed and out connection to one another will transcend earthly constructs like marriage.

Clearly, marriage was created for earthly purpose, not for heaven.

Marriage: An Earthly Construct with Heavenly Purpose

Though marriage might not persist in the traditional sense in heaven, this does not mean that relationships on earth are irrelevant. 

Actually, in light of eternity, marriage has a profound purpose. 

The purpose of marriage on earth is trifold: 

  1. Companionship: In Genesis 2:18, God declares, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”
  2. Procreation and Raising Godly Offspring – Malachi 2:15 emphasizes that God desires “godly offspring,” pointing to the role of marriage in raising children to know and follow Him.
  3. Reflecting God’s Love For the Church – Ephesians 5:25-32 explains that just as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself up for her, a husband is to love his wife sacrificially. Likewise, the Church’s loving submission to Christ is mirrored in the wife’s respect for her husband. Marriage serves as a living illustration of God’s covenant love and His desire for unity with His people. 
The Bible explains that marriage has three primary purposes. As I studied this closer, I realized that each purpose was intended for life on earth, not eternity. 

Marriage is designed to reflect God’s love, provide companionship, and foster family, but in heaven, our relationship with God will be complete, and these earthly needs will no longer exist in the same way.

Clearly, marriage is an earthly construct with heavenly purpose. But since it is an earthly construct, it also has an expiration date. 

Marriage is meant to be “until death do us part,” and then be transformed into something more perfect.   

Theologian C.S. Lewis, in his book “The Four Loves,” argued that earthly love, while real and meaningful, is ultimately a reflection of a greater, perfect love. In heaven, this perfect love would be fully realized, and the love between spouses might be understood as a part of the larger, all-encompassing love of God.

I could get down with that!

It Takes Faith

On a more emotional level, many people find comfort in the thought that their earthly relationships will continue in some form in heaven. 

The bond we form with our spouse is the most profound connection of our lives. The idea that these relationships will be carried into heaven speaks to the human desire for continuity. It’s a natural desire that love won’t be lost at death. 

However, the nature of that continuity is still a mystery. Will spouses recognize each other in heaven? Will they still experience a sense of companionship?

While the Bible doesn’t provide a definitive answer to these questions, many believe that God’s design for relationships in heaven will be even more fulfilling and perfect than anything we can imagine on Earth. 

In other words, it takes faith to believe that the God who designed marriage on earth has even greater plans in Heaven. 

What we do know is that there will be no sadness or grief, but joy unimaginable. 

Letting Go of Earthly Attachments

I’m not going to lie, the idea that I won’t be married to my wife in heaven stings. I love my wife and can’t imagine spending eternity without her. 

But I trust that God has a much richer plan than I can even fathom. So, I really have no choice but to let go of earthly attachments. 

Earlier in the book of Matthew, Jesus explains that we are not to hold onto earthly attachments. 

37 Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

38 And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.

39 Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.

Matthew 10:37-39

In some ways, we are to give up our life on earth so that we can find a more fulfilling life in Christ. In part, I believe this means to give up the idea that marriage will continue on in heaven. 

Instead of clinging to earthly relationships as they are now, we can trust that God has something even greater in store for us.

While marriage is a beautiful gift designed for our time on earth, heaven offers a deeper, more complete union—one where our joy, love, and fulfillment come directly from our perfect relationship with God. Rather than diminishing the love we’ve known, this truth should give us hope, knowing that in eternity, we will experience something far beyond what we can imagine.

He > we