Should Date Night Be in the Budget?

By Jimmy Sliwa

I got a new job and have been binge listening to Dave Ramsey. 

Cut the credit cards, eat rice and beans, and live like no one else,” blasts through my stereo as I drive from client to client. 

I think it’s safe to say my wife and I have officially drunk the Kool-Aid. This September we have started our debt free journey to pay off the truck, van, and finally finish off those pesky student loans. 

With this “gazelle intensity,” the question popped into my mind. 

Should date night be in the budget? 

Or would the money be better spent paying down debt. 

The short answer is Yes, date night should be in the budget, here’s why:

Why Date Night Should be in the Budget

As with everything in life, what you invest in grows. 

Monetarily thinking – if you invest in your 401k, your retirement is sure to grow. 

From a health standpoint – if you invest time in the gym, your muscles will grow.

The same goes for relationships. 

If you invest time and resources into your marriage, the relationship will strengthen and admiration for one another with grow. It’s basically a universal law.

Whatever you choose to put time, energy, and focus to will experience growth. 

> Understanding Your Priorities:

When it comes to setting the budget, you must first understand that your marriage is more important than tackling debt. 

Sure, debt can take a serious strain on your marriage and needs to be addressed with gazelle intensity, but NOT at the cost of your relationship. 

Debt payoff and date night can coexist. 

> The Cost of not Having a Date Night: 

While it might seem like skipping date nights saves money, it could actually cost more in the long run. Neglecting your relationship can lead to dissatisfaction, resentment, and even divorce—events that are far more costly than regular date nights.

A healthy, vibrant relationship can provide emotional support and partnership in all aspects of life, including financial planning and decision-making.

My wife and I have fewer financial disagreements when we feel like we have made time to connect with one another. WE are far more likely to be on the same page when we have made quality time a priority.

> Flexibility in Spending:

A budgeted date night doesn’t have to be extravagant. 

The key is the quality of time spent together, not the amount of money spent. Couples can adjust their budget based on their financial situation. For some, this might mean a fancy dinner once a month, while for others, it could be a simple homemade meal and a movie night at home. The important part is the intention behind the time spent together.

 So YES, date night should be in the budget. 

A routine date, away from the kids where you can prioritize fun and romance will do amazing things for your marriage!

How to Include Date Night in the Budget

  • Set a Monthly Date Night Fund: Allocate a specific amount of money each month solely for date nights, even if it’s a modest sum, to ensure it’s a priority in your budget.

  • Choose Budget-Friendly Activities: Opt for affordable date night ideas like cooking dinner at home, going for a hike, or having a movie night. These allow you to enjoy quality time without breaking the bank.

  • Use Savings and Discounts: Take advantage of deals, coupons, or loyalty rewards for restaurants, activities, or entertainment to make your date nights enjoyable while staying within budget.

  • Secure Inexpensive Babysitters: Finding a babysitter can be one of the most expensive parts of a date night. Try asking the grandparents to watch the kids for the evening or perhaps try a babysitting swap in which you trade babysitters nights with a close friend. 

Overcoming Budget Challenges

  • Communicate and Collaborate Budgeting for date nights should be a joint decision. Open communication about finances ain’t easy but it is key to ensuring both partners feel valued and understood. Discussing what you both want out of date nights and how much you’re willing to spend can help prevent misunderstandings and ensure that date nights are a positive experience.
  • Adjust as Needed Life is unpredictable, and sometimes budgets need to be adjusted. If financial circumstances change, be willing to adapt your date night plans accordingly. This might mean finding more creative and cost-effective ways to spend time together, but it doesn’t mean the end of date nights altogether.
  • View Date Nights as a Non-Negotiable While it’s important to be flexible, try to view date nights as a non-negotiable part of your budget. Just as you wouldn’t skip paying rent or utilities, try not to skip investing in your relationship. Even during tighter financial times, finding a way to maintain this connection is crucial.

7 Budget Friendly Date Ideas

1. Bury a Time Capsule

All you need is a mason jar and some of your most valuable possessions. Spend the day collecting memorabilia and write a letter to your future selves. Don’t forget where you buried it!

Pro tip: choose a sentimental location to bury the capsule

2. Scrabble at the Coffee House

Take your scrabble board and your third-grade spelling bee skills to a new coffee shop for a match off with your mate

3. Catch the Local High School Football Game

Support the local high school and take your love to the Friday night football game. IT it’s cold outside, bring a blanket to cozy up under. 

After the game go out for some food and take time reminiscing about your high school experience. 

4. Saturday Morning Farmers Market

In mid-late summer, many towns have Saturday morning farmers markets. This is a wonderful way to spend the morning. Grab a coffee and go shopping for some fresh veggies. That night use the veggies in a home cooked meal.  

5. Geocache Together

Join the largest treasure hunt in the world! There are literally thousands of areas to explore and treasures to be found. This date takes adventure to a new level. The best part is you can do this date over and over again. 

6. Blanket Fort + Movie Night

The blanket fort is a classic at home date night. It’s like camping but much more comfortable. 

Turn your living room into a neat blanket fort and snuggle up while you watch a favorite movie.

7. Breakfast in Bed + Board Games

If you have a slow morning then why not make it memorable.

Wake up early and make breakfast. Serve your wife breakfast in bed with some of your favorite board games. 

Marriage > Money

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