15 Things Husbands Do That Kill Romance

By Jimmy Sliwa

Men and women show affection differently.

It can be frustrating at times, especially if you are feeling horny and she is not.

Am I right?

Men tend to show affection through physical intimacy while women tend to show affection through quality time.

For many women, romance and intimacy starts in the morning. Often, women require small deposits of regular romance and thoughtfulness to “be in the mood.” 

This means that you have to make small deposits into the romance piggy bank if you want to build up sexual intimacy throughout the day. Sometimes it takes all week long of making love deposits for her to be “in the mood.”

Unfortunately, there are also things husbands do that take pennies out of the romance piggy bank. 

If you take too many pennies out, you will kill your love life. Not Good!

If you want a rockstar love life, these are 15 things you will want to avoid. 

15 Things Husbands Do Regularly That Kill Romance

1. Make Everything Sexual

When she bends over to tie her shoes she is not making a move on you. She just wants to tie her shoes. 

By turning every interaction into something sexual, your wife will start to feel objectified and uncomfortable. If she feels objectified rather than treasured she will not have sex on her mind. In fact, she may be repulsed.  

2. Fart Alot

Excessive flatulence can be off-putting and disrupt intimate moments, making it hard to maintain a romantic atmosphere. There is simply no way to make a fart romantic. Instead, there are tactful ways to keep your flatulent at bay. 

3. Eat Her Food

Taking your partner’s food without asking can seem inconsiderate and disrespectful, suggesting a lack of boundaries and regard for her preferences and needs.

4. Leave the House Dirty

Leaving a mess around the house shows a lack of respect for shared spaces and can create tension. A cluttered environment can lead to stress and diminish the romantic ambiance.

5. Leave Beard Trimmings in the Sink

Not cleaning up after grooming is a small but significant act of negligence. It sends a message that you expect your partner to clean up after you, which can breed resentment.

6. Pee Stain the Toilet

Hygiene is sexy! Leaving urine stains is unhygienic and disrespectful. It suggests a lack of consideration for your partner’s comfort and cleanliness, making the bathroom a less inviting place.

7. Drink too Much Alcohol

Excessive drinking can lead to unpredictable behavior, diminished intimacy, and potential conflicts. It can also make your partner feel neglected or worried about your health and the relationship’s future. How much is too much? Try asking your wife, I bet she will have a number of drinks for you.

8. Leave a Mess of Dishes in the Sink

Piling up dirty dishes without cleaning up can create a sense of chaos and disrespect. It adds to your partner’s workload and can make them feel unappreciated and overwhelmed.

9. Use Your Phone Too Much

Constant phone use can make your partner feel unimportant and ignored. It takes away from quality time together, reducing opportunities for meaningful connection and intimacy.

10. Grope Her Often

Unwanted or poorly timed physical advances can make your partner feel objectified and uncomfortable. It can erode trust and emotional closeness, essential components of romance.

11. Being a Workaholic

Overworking can leave little time for your partner, causing them to feel neglected and undervalued. It can strain the relationship and reduce opportunities for shared experiences and bonding.

12. Ignore Your Kids

Neglecting your children can make your partner feel burdened with extra responsibilities. It can also lead to tension and conflict, detracting from the overall harmony and romance in the relationship.

13. Not Provide for the Family

Men shoulder be providers for their family. Financially, spiritually, emotionally…. husbands should make being a provider for the family a top priority. Failing to contribute financially or otherwise to the family’s well-being can cause stress and insecurity. It can lead to feelings of resentment and doubt about your commitment and reliability.

14. Smell Bad

Poor personal hygiene can be a significant turn-off. It shows a lack of self-care and respect for your partner, making intimate moments less appealing and potentially repelling.

15. Prioritize Friends Over Family

Consistently choosing to spend time with friends over your partner can make them feel unimportant and neglected. It signals that they are not your priority, which can hurt their feelings and strain the relationship.