5 Ways to Boost Intimacy in Marriage

By Jimmy Sliwa

Intimacy is what separates lovers from being “best friends.” Of course, you want to marry your best friend, but marriage should extend far beyond friendship. 

The best marriages are deeply intimate.

And by intimacy I am not just referring to sex. Intimacy can be defined as a deep closeness and familiarity to a person. The deepest levels of intimacy encompass physical, emotional, and spiritual oneness. 

Every marriage should desire to experience a tight connection to their spouse. The deeper your bonds, the more likely you will stay married for the long haul. When you experience rough waters, the couples with the tightest bonds will have the best chance to weather the storms. 

Marriage will not always be smooth sailing, no matter who you are. So, begin to protect your marriage today by boosting intimacy with your spouse.

The best way to build intimacy is to spend quality time with each other. 

There really is no other way to build intimacy. Gifts and gestures simply cannot replace spending time together. 

Look for pockets to spend more time together, and ways to eliminate distractions

Below are 5 practical ways to boost intimacy in marriage. 

5 Practical Ways to BOOST Intimacy

1. Go to Bed at the same time

Bedtime is a one of the best times to unwind and connect. You both had a busy day and this is the perfect opportunity to decompress. Not to mention that you spend nearly a third of your life sleeping, so why not spend it close to your spouse?

2. Leave Your phone out of the bedroom

The bed should be reserved for two things: sleep and sex. There isn’t much reason why you would need to have your phone in your room. Why invite a distraction into your bedroom? If you use your phone for an alarm like me, then try turning it on airplane mode for less distraction. 

3. Learn your wife's love language

If you don’t know your wife’s love language then you are navigating your marriage blindly. Knowing your wife’s love language can give you some serious advantages to getting to know your spouse on a deeper level. 

4. Learn to Say no to UNnecessary Obligations

One of the biggest killers to intimacy is being too busy. Don’t overcommit to unnecessary obligations. Learn to say “no” or “not this time.” You can always use the excuse that you need to focus on family time. No one will argue with that. 

5. Plan a Regular Date Night

There is no secret that date night is critical for connecting to your spouse. Dating is how you got to know your wife in the first place. Keep dating her even throughout marriage. The best practice is to have a regular date night set on the calendar. If it’s on the calendar it is far more likely to get done.  Make it happen cap’n!

Only Dead Marriages Go With the Flow.