6 Tools Every Husband Should Have

By Jimmy Sliwa

Being a good husband isn’t easy. There is no rule book that outlines what it takes to be a good husband.


That’s why you shouldn’t tackle marriage alone. We all need support on this journey through husband-hood. I know that I have needed a lot of help along the way.


Friends, family, and mentors have all been instrumental in helping me to be a better man. In addition, I have used specific tools to keep me accountable and on track.


Since members of The Husbands Club love to improve themselves so they can grow their marriage, I thought I would share 6 tools every husband should have.


Each of these tools can save you heartache and bring wisdom if you apply them today.

1. A Mentor

Every husband needs a mentor. A mentor is someone who has been through challenging experiences and walked through the other side. A good mentor is someone that is willing to teach and give wise counsel. Ideally, you would find a mentor who has a successful marriage and can give you wise counsel on making a marriage work.

My mentor is my younger brother. He is a spiritual leader and inspires me to be unashamed of my faith. He has been instrumental in helping me to become the spiritual leader of my family.

2. A Porn Filter

Lust is a battle every man faces. Don’t take pornography lightly. It will destroy your marriage if you let it seep in. My own marriage almost ended because of my addiction to pornography and all the lies that surrounded it.

Today I have a thriving marriage in part because I have a porn filter on ALL of my devices. I use Covanent Eyes.com as a pornography filter. Check it out here –> Screen Accountability™ | Covenant Eyes

Covanent Eyes is a software program that you can install on your computer and smart phone. Once it is installed, you can include an accountability partner who will be emailed snapshots of websites that you visit. Covanent Eyes works twofold: it blocks pornography and emails your accountability partner about websites that you are visiting.

3. A Budget

One of the most common reasons for divorce is poor money management. By making and KEEPING a budget, you can properly manage your family’s money. A budget is essentially a way of telling your money where it will go instead of wondering where it went. A well-planned budget can help to eliminate financial stress in your marriage.

Do your marriage and pocketbook a favor and create a budget.

Free budget app –> EveryDollar – Ramsey (ramseysolutions.com)

4. A Good Group of Married Friends

Jim Rohn said it best. “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.I couldn’t agree more.

To extrapolate his quote, you should choose your married friends wisely because they will impact your life and marriage. There is ample evidence to suggest that couples with strong and healthy friendships are more likely to stick marriage out. Having a group of friends with healthy marriages can be the best support system for when marriage gets challenging. Make an effort to have shared couples as good friends. You can even do double dates with them or swap childcare.

5. A Babysitter

Members of The Husbands Club know that date night is critical for a thriving marriage. One of the most common excuses is that there is no childcare. Don’t let this be an excuse. Every husband should have a couple babysitters on speed dial.

Family is always a great option if they live nearby. If you don’t have family nearby, you have to get a little more creative. Your local church is a great place to find a babysitter. Another great option is to do a babysitter swap with friends: you watch their kids one evening and then next they watch your kids.

6. An Exercise Routine

The dad bod is real. New research shows that new dads gain an average of 3.5-4.5 lbs after the birth of their first child. Don’t be a statistic. Instead, choose to follow an exercise program and prioritize your own health.

An exercise program can help you shed weight as well as give your mood a boost. Plus, don’t you want to model a healthy lifestyle to your family? There are just too many benefits of exercise to skip getting your sweat on.

You can't spell integrity without 'grit.'