7 Signs Your Married to a Hopeless Romantic

By Jimmy Sliwa

I’m not married to a hopeless romantic, but I once dated one. 

She planned our first date in which we pretended to be homeless bums. 

I’m not kidding!

We had a campfire under the stars while eating dinner out of a sack lunch.

It wasn’t my kind of date, but at least it was memorable. 

This girl loved traditions, wildly romantic dates, and keeping track of obscure anniversaries. The more creative and meaningful the date, the more she swooned. As you can see, she was a hopeless romantic. 

What is a Hopeless Romantic?

A hopeless romantic is someone who is deeply idealistic about love and relationships. 

They believe in grand gestures, fairy-tale endings, and the idea that true love can conquer all obstacles (nice thought). This person often prioritizes emotional connection and romantic experiences, sometimes to the point of being impractical or unrealistic about the complexities of real-life relationships.

During dating this might be fine, but I could not imagine being married to someone with such high hopes for romance. 

It would be exhausting. And in many cases a bit unrealistic. 

Marriage is a windy road that comes with its unique set of dynamics. If you find yourself married to a hopeless romantic, you might notice a few distinct patterns in your relationship. 

A hopeless romantic views love through a lens of passion, idealism, and continuous affection, which can bring a lot of joy but also requires understanding and reciprocity. 

In this blog post I will share 7 signs that you’re married to a hopeless romantic and 7 tips on how to fully embrace this beautiful aspect of your relationship.

7 Signs You Are Married to a Hopeless Romantic

Spotting a hopeless romantic is easy, they’re the ones crying at the wedding and chalking things up to destiny rather than coincidence. 

A hopeless romantic will gush over Taylor Swift love songs and likely have a Pintrest board dedicated to “dream wedding” even when the wedding has passed. 

All jokes aside hopeless romantics add a lot of spice to life. Especially if you are married to one.

 In more general terms, here are 7 signs that you are married to a hopeless romantic. 

  1. Frequent Surprise Gestures

    • Your spouse often surprises you with small, thoughtful acts of love, like a handwritten note in your lunchbox, unexpected flowers, or a favorite treat waiting for you after a long day.
  2. Grand Romantic Gestures

    • They enjoy planning elaborate dates, recreating significant moments from your relationship, or organizing surprise trips and parties just to see you smile.
  3. Constant Verbal Affirmations

    • They frequently express their love for you through words, be it via text messages, letters, or spoken affirmations. Their communication is filled with poetic and heartfelt declarations.
  4. Attention to Detail

    • They remember the little things about you—your favorite song, your preferred coffee order, the story behind your favorite childhood toy—and incorporate these details into their gestures.
  5. Celebrates Every Milestone

    • Anniversaries, birthdays, and even smaller milestones like the date you first met or your first kiss are celebrated with enthusiasm and careful planning.

6. Creating Romantic Traditions

  • They establish unique romantic traditions, such as weekly date nights, annual trips to special places, or rituals like watching the sunset together every evening.

7. Optimism About Love

    • They have an unwavering belief in the power of love and remain positive even during challenging times, seeing each obstacle as an opportunity to grow closer.

What to Do About It

So, you have determined that you are married to a hopeless romantic. 

Congrats! You’re life will never have a dull moment.

But let’s not pretend that marriage will be easy. If you are married to a hopeless romantic you have your work cut out for you. There are some expectations that your spouse will hope to see in you. 

Some expectations include appreciation, reciprocal participation, and open to new ideas

Yes, it takes a bit of extra effort, but I want to encourage you- living with a hopeless romantic can be exciting and deeply passionate. 

10 Tips to Embracing The Hopeless Romantic

1. Appreciate and Acknowledge Their Efforts

  • Recognize the effort and thought that goes into their romantic gestures. Express your gratitude and let them know how much you appreciate their love and dedication. A simple “thank you” can go a long way.

2. Reciprocate in Your Own Way

  • While you may not share the same level of romantic fervor, finding ways to reciprocate their affection in your style can mean a lot. It could be through acts of service, quality time, or small, thoughtful gifts. 

3. Participate in Their Romantic Traditions

  • Join in and participate in the romantic traditions they create. These rituals can become a cherished part of your relationship, providing stability and joy.

4. Plan Special Moments

  • Occasionally take the initiative to plan special moments or surprises for your partner. It shows that you value their efforts and are equally invested in keeping the romance alive.

5. Be Open to New Experiences

  • Be open to trying new things and embracing their romantic ideas. Even if it’s out of your comfort zone, these experiences can lead to memorable moments and strengthen your bond.

6. Celebrate Milestones Together

  • Make an effort to celebrate milestones together. Whether it’s an anniversary, a promotion, or a personal achievement, acknowledging these moments together reinforces your partnership.

7. Embrace Their Optimism

  • Allow their optimistic outlook on love to inspire you. Their belief in the power of love can help you navigate challenges with a positive mindset and a sense of togetherness.


Being married to a hopeless romantic can add a spontaneous and passionate dimension to your relationship. By understanding and appreciating their love language, you can create a harmonious and fulfilling partnership. 

The key is not to roll your eyes at their ideals of romance but instead embrace it. 

Embrace their romantic nature, reciprocate their efforts, and communicate openly to ensure that both of you feel loved, valued, and connected. In doing so, you’ll cultivate a lasting, vibrant love that can weather any storm and flourish in the sunshine.\