5 Simple Moves to Boost Your Wife's Confidence

By Jimmy Sliwa

I don’t care who you are, we all have self-esteem issues from time to time. 

It’s a human condition. 

One moment you are on top of the world, and another may you feel like we are on unstable ground.

Everyone has moments where they feel unsure about themselves.

Your wife has these moments too. She may question decisions or question whether or not she is a good mother. She may even look in the mirror and question whether or not she is beautiful.

Don’t let culture speak lies to your wife.

As a husband you have the most influential voice to speak over your wife. You can either BOOST your wife’s confidence or you can cut her down.

Below I have compiled a list of 7 Simple Ways to Boost Your Wife’s Confidence.

1. Put a Picture of Her Up At Your Work

Most likely your wife isn’t at work with you. Let your co-workers know that your wife is the love of your life by putting a picture of her up at the office. When your wife visits you at work, this will stand as a reminder that you have your priorities straight. Family> Work.

2. Speak Highly of Your Wife to Your Kids

Your kids are watching what you do. Speak highly of your wife to your kids and they will do the same. Case in point: my son now tells mommy that she is beautiful because he hears daddy say it often. The best part is I get little brownie points every time my son says that. Teach your kids to affirm their mother through example.

3. Put a Picture of Her on Your Phone Home Screen

Putting a picture of your wife on your phone home screen is a simple way to tell her she is beautiful. Your wife wants to know that you are attracted to her. By putting her picture on your phone, she will get hints that you enjoy seeing her pretty face throughout the day. 

4. Tell Her She is Beautiful Even When She Isn't Dolled Up

Your wife wants to know she is beautiful. A mistake some men make is complimenting their wife only when her hair and makeup on. You cannot over compliment your wife. Dish out compliments on the regular: In the morning, after the shower, when she is cleaning up. Don’t just give compliments on her “best days” compliment her on all her days

5. Point Out Her Strengths

What is your wife good at? Cooking? Parenting? Is she patient? Is she organized? 

Make an effort to point these things out. We all have strengths and weaknesses; but make it a point today to point out your wife’s strengths. This helps to build her confidence muscles. 

6. Hold Her Hand in Public

A Little PDA (Public Display of Affection) is a great way to build your wife’s confidence. This is a simple way to let the world know that you are attracted to your wife.  

7. Ask for Her Opinion

Do you ever include your wife when you are making a tough decision? Don’t assume your wife isn’t interested in helping out. Show that you value her perspective by asking for her opinion on a decision. It doesn’t matter if it’s a big or small decision. Show her that her voice is important to you. 

Don't Discount the Greatest Blessing In Your Life - Your Wife.