50 Best Quotes for Husbands

By Jimmy Sliwa

1. "Be the man your wife agreed to marry."

2. "Dating your wife should be a habit NOT a hassle."

3. "If you must check out; check out your wife."

4. "Love your wife like only you can."

5. "Great relationships only exist because two people choose to continually forgive and move on."

6. "Since 'To-Do' lists never end, 'To- Be' lists should be the priority."

7. "Marriage is a marathon, not a sprint."

8. "Forgiveness is not about forgetting." - William Paul Young

9. "The grass is greener where you water it." - Anonymous

10. The Trust Formula --> Trust = Faithfulness / Time

11. “Love Sustains. Lust Disdains.”

12. “The Laws of Gravity don’t apply to love. You cannot fall in or out of love, you CHOOSE love.”

13. “Marriage isn’t meant to be endured, its meant to be enjoyed.”

14. “Good relationships don’t just happen – they take work.”

15. LOVE > lust

16. “Opportunities in marriage follow availability.”

17. “Don’t make excuses, make memories.”

18. “There is no grey area in marriage.”

19. “You can have an extraordinary marriage when you Lead with Love.”

20. “It’s NOT possible to passively pursue your wife; pursuit takes action.”

21. “Don’t discount your greatest blessing in life – your wife.”

22. “Always remember the original reason you fell in love.”

23. “You gotta give some to get some (love).” 

24. “If you don’t prioritize your wife, someone else will.”

25. “Give your wife a reason to kiss you.”

26. “Lead your marriage. It’s what husbands do.”

27. “It’s not the thought that counts, it’s the action that counts.” 

28. “Returning to a bad habit is like a dog that returns to it’s vomit.”

29. “The only viable reason not to hold your wife’s hand is if you were a T-Rex.”

30. “Happiness in marriage occurs when expectations = reality. “

31. “Before coming on to your wife ask yourself this question…Have I met my wife’s sexpectations?”

32. “It’s never OK to joke about your wife’s menstrual cycle. PERIOD!”

33. “Growing in marriage in not a fad diet it’s a lifestyle.”

34. “Humility often looks like the first to say, ‘I am sorry’.”

35. “You can’t fall in love much like you can’t fall out of love. You choose to or not to love.

36. “Love aint a feeling, it’s a choice.”

37. “Your happiness doesn’t depend on your spouse. Let them off the hook!” 

38. “Like fish – only dead marriages go with the flow.”

39. “Marriage doesn’t make sense. [1 + 1  = 1]”

40. “Your job is NOT to complete your spouse. Your job is to LOVE her unconditionally. “k

41. “Grow a pair of balls so your wife doesn’t have too.”

42. “Love your wife with no strings attached.”

43. “Don’t mistake meekness for weakness. Humility will strengthen your marriage.” 

44. “Invest in your marriage…it pays dividends.”

45. “In marriage if you sow sparingly, you will reap sparingly.”

46. “Chivalry isn’t a trend, it’s a character trait.”

47. “Don’t just pray for self-control. Practice self-control.”

48. “Loving your wife is the best gift you can give your kids.”

49. “Complacency kills marriage like Clorox kills COVID.”

50. “Marriage is your #1 ministry.”