5 Ways Serving Her Can Turn Her On

By Jimmy Sliwa

I have to admit…I was surprised by our first TikTok video that went viral. It showed a checked-out husband ignoring his wife while she completed household chores.

We got a lot of comments on the video. Not surprisingly, the majority of comments were pissed off women that wanted more help from their husbands. 

Yikes! Not a good look for a lot of husbands.

Is the bar really that low?

The purpose of the video was never to bash guys. The purpose was to encourage husbands to be attentive to what’s going on around them.

By paying attention to your wife’s needs, it is totally possible to knock her socks off!

But if your wife has to beg you to help out, then you risk “turning her off”.

To avoid dimming the romance in your marriage, you need to learn to be a little proactive. Keep your head on a swivel and try to serve your wife before she asks you too. If you are able to attend to her needs before she takes care of them, then you will score some serious brownie points.

Brownie points add up over time, and deposits go straight into the romance bank.

Don't Be This Guy.


Small, thoughtful acts of service are a terrific way to let your wife know that you value her time. 

To be clear, the goal is NOT to simply score brownie points. The goal is to let your wife know that you want to bless her and acknowledge how hard she works. The goal is to treasure your wife without putting any expectations on her. 

She wants to be pursued in the ways that she needs it. Do your wife and yourself a favor and avoid checking out as your default pattern. 

If you want to turn your wife “on”, try one of these five acts of service.

1. Detail Her Car

Your wife spends several hours a week driving in her car. Your wife will be floored to climb into a clean car detailed by none other than YOU!

Husband Club Pro Tip: fill up her gas tank and leave behind air fresheners for a little extra touch!


2. Scrub the Toilets

Are toilets gross? Yes! Do they need to be cleaned? Most definitely!

Considering that the sticky mess around the toilet is likely the man’s fault, you outta clean the toilet from time to time. 

Husband Club Pro Tip:🚽 How to Fold Toilet Paper Origami Like a Fancy Hotel – YouTube

3. Cook Your Signature Dish

Domestic husbands are a huge “turn on.” If your wife is a foodie, then make sure you cook your signature meal from time to time. 

Husbands Club Pro Tip: my personal favorite 👇

 Pan Seared Steak Recipe (Steakhouse Quality!) – NatashasKitchen.com

4. Meal Prep for the Kids

Preparing meals for the children is a job that never ends! Don’t leave this chore up to your wife. Think ahead and meal prep for the children. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Husband Club Pro Tip: opt for healthy options rather than quick, packaged crap!

5. Clean the Microwave

The most neglected appliance in the house is the microwave. If you don’t clean it, then your wife will have too. Go deep and clean all the crevasses to make the microwave sparkle. 

Husband Club Pro Tip: just do it!

Love Your Wife With No Strings Attached