5 Ways Your Touch Can Turn Her On

By Jimmy Sliwa

One of my all-time favorite moves presents itself when my wife is doing the dishes. 

With the prowess of a lion stalking its prey, I often seize this opportunity to express how attracted I am to my unsuspecting wife. 

I quietly approach my wife from behind, thrust my arms around her, fondle her breasts, and kiss her neck. On the rare occasion my wife likes it, but most often she turtle-tucks her neck and squirms away. 

It’s a shame really, but the fact of the matter is that this move performed by many husbands is a huge ” turn-off.” 

Women want to be nurtured; not used. They want to be pursued, not objectified. 

Don't Be This Guy.

Instead, aim to have your touch be sweet. 

Small and subtle touch is so much more effective for letting your wife know you love her

Remember, the goal is NOT to cop a feel. The goal is to let your wife know that you want her and have a nurturing side. The goal is promote closeness to your wife without putting any expectations on her. 

She wants to be pursued in the ways that she needs it. Do yourself and your wife a favor and avoid groping as the go-to move. 

 If you want quality closeness with your wife, try one of these five moves instead…

Exhibit A: The Hand Hold

Nothing says “I am committed” more than a hand hold. It takes the relationship back to the innocent days where all you could think about was holding her hand. There are two primary options here: fingers interlocked or the whole hand grasp- either option will do.


Exhibit B: Peck on the Forehead

There is no better way to show your nurturing side than to gently plant a kiss on your wife’s forehead. Give a gentle peck and nothing more. She will melt as you tend to her soft side. 

Exhibit C: Frame the Face

As seen in all romantic movies ever. Now this one is a bit more spicey so be careful. The goal here is to say “I see you” without even saying a word. Softly place your hand on the side of her cheek and make eye contact for at least 5 seconds. Don’t rush this move mi amigo. Confidence is key. 

Exhibit D: The Hand on the Small of the Back

“I’m here by your side.” That’s essentially what you are saying when you perform this move. Remember a woman is not to be conquered. You are leading her, and more importantly you are guiding her.  Let your hand be a strong guide with a gentle, loving touch. 

Exhibit E: The Hug From Behind

Make sure your hands DO NOT land in the swimsuit area to be in the safe zone. This is a favorite of mine cause if you play it right, she will lean right into you. Touchdown!

Love Your Wife With No Strings Attached