5 Rules For D.I.N.K.W.A.Ds

By Jimmy Sliwa

I’m not jealous that you and your wife have the spontaneity to go on weekly dates and order appetizers and  max out your 401k.

Ok, maybe I am slightly jealous of your DINKWAD lifestyle. (I’m talking to you Kim and Dan). 

A DINKWAD is an acronym that stands for – Dual Income No Kids With A Dog.

It’s a play on the popular acronym DINK which explains the lavish lifestyle that dual income earners without kids can enjoy. A DINKWAD is the next step in life; now you have a furry creature to care for. 

If you are a DINKWAD, that’s terrific! You are doing big things in life like getting married and raising a pet.

This lifestyle is a wonderful time because you and your partner have time to focus on getting established in life and work towards future goals. 

If you are a DINKWAD I hope that you take full advantage of this period of life. Enjoy it because there are some serious benefits to the DINKWAD lifestyle.

Benefits of DINKWADs

  • Dual Income earners earn more money and can build wealth more easily than single income earners
  • No kids give you flexibility to be spontaneous and prioritize marriage
  • Raising a dog is a great introductory to raising a living being
  • Ability to travel more and make ‘us’ memories

My wife and I chose to be DINKWADs before we had kids. Our first living organisms we co-parented was our schitzu-snauzer (schitzner) Remy. We still look back on that time with fond memories. 

Many of our date nights were to the dog park or taking our dog for a walk around the neighborhood. We spends lots of time together and got ourselves set up financially.

But let me tell you, it is amazing how fleeting that season of life can be. Before we knew it, kids came along and it seems that we are stuck in a daily grind. 

If you are a DINKWAD, be sure to soak up the lifestyle. There certainly are many perks. For some, the season of being a DINKWAD is temporary (kids come faster than you think). While others may choose to be DINKWADS for life.

While I applaud your life decision, whichever you choose, I did have 5 rules for DINKWADS from a SINKWAD. 

5 Rules for D.I.N.K.W.A.Ds

1. Get Your Finances in Order

DINKWAD life is often financially comfortable, but don’t let lifestyle inflation creep in. Use this time to pay off debt, build savings, and invest wisely. Whether kids are in your future or not, financial security will always be a gift to your future self.

2. Don't Compare Your Dog to Kids

Look, I get it. We were those dog parents. We took Remy everywhere, and may have talked about her like she was our child. But take it from someone who has since had kids—it’s not the same.

Love your pup, spoil them, and embrace the dog-parent life, but try not to tell your friends with kids that “having a dog is basically the same thing.” It’s not. Trust me.

3. Invest in Your Relationship

This is prime time to strengthen your bond with your spouse. Date nights should be frequent, deep conversations should be intentional, and challenges should be tackled as a team. The habits you build now will set the tone for your relationship in the future—whether you’re navigating parenthood together or enjoying a lifelong DINKWAD adventure.

4. Travel While You Can

This is one thing Anna and I wish we had done more.  Now is the time. Traveling as a couple is significantly easier without the logistics of kids in tow. If travel is something you love, take full advantage of this season before things like nap schedules, car seats, and school calendars dictate your plans.

5. Don't Feel Guilty for Not Having Kids

There’s sometimes an unspoken pressure to explain why you haven’t had kids yet or why you don’t plan to. Here’s the truth: You don’t owe anyone an explanation. If you and your spouse are happy with your life, that’s all that matters. So cool your jets grandma!

Whether you’re a temporary or lifelong DINKWAD, own your decision with confidence.

Final Thoughts

There’s no denying that being a DINKWAD comes with some serious perks: extra income, fewer responsibilities, and the freedom to live life on your own terms.

It’s a wonderful time in life, but it’s important to remember that this lifestyle is just one chapter. 

Whether you’re making the most of your DINKWAD lifestyle or you’re preparing for what comes next, don’t forget to get finances in order, prioritize your marriage, and live in the present moment. 

Keep thriving in your dual-income, no-kid life – and maybe take a moment to spare a thought for use stressed out SINKWADs.