5 Hacks to Improve Communication

By Jimmy Sliwa

It’s no secret that communication is vital to a lasting marriage. You simply can’t make it work if you and your wife are not on the same page.


I find it fascinating that in modern marriage culture, we find it challenging to communicate effectively. Think about it; we have email, texting, phones, and social media, yet it’s common to feel more disconnected than ever.


Communication is something that we have to get right if we are to stay in a healthy and vibrant marriage. If you find that communication is lacking in your marriage you ought to prioritize it.


The first step to prioritizing communication is to eliminate distractions and make time for each other.


Below are 5 practical activities that are sure to eliminate distraction and improve communication.


1. Eat Dinner at the Table

Many couples struggle to find quality time. Especially when you add careers and kids into the mix. If you are going to prioritize communication into your day, you should make an effort to eat dinner together at the table.

According to research from the University of MIchigan, there are numerous benefits to eating dinner together without distractions.

  • It creates a sense of togetherness.
  • It builds in time for communication.
  • Improves the wellbeing of everyone (including the children)

2. Go to Bed Together

One of the easiest ways to improve communication is to go to bed at the same time. “Pillow talk” in the moments before falling asleep has been shown to create a bond between husband and wife. Unfortunately, 75% of couples don’t go to bed at the same time often due to interruptions such as the internet and television.


According to Archives of Sexual Behavior, couples that go to bed together and even cuddle feel more loved and appreciated as well as connected to their spouse.


Keep the bedroom sacred and choose to go to sleep together at the same time most nights to improve communication over some “pillow talk.”


3. Take a 20 Minute Walk Togther

Taking regular walks has been shown to decrease stress, but what are the benefits of walking with your spouse?


One of the key benefits to walking along side your partner is that it synchronizes your rhythm and pace. Even without knowing it, when you walk alongside your spouse, you naturally match their pace and timing. This matching of steps helps to create a sense of cooperation and togetherness.


As a bonus, men are more likely to open up when they are busy with a task. Walking gives men a chance to occupy their physical body which tends to let them open up emotionally.


If you feel “out of step” with your partner, perhaps you shoulder try to take regular 20 minutes walks together.


4. Play Board Games

In today’s age of technology, it can be hard to connect as everything vies for our attention. Scrap the technology and opt for a board game to help you connect with your spouse.


On top of the endorphin release you may get, playing board games gives you a chance to share face to face connection with your spouse. You will share laughs and good conversation as you challenge your spouse to a little friendly competition.



Scrabble is one of our favorite games to play together.


5. Get a Family Calendar

For my wife and I, there is no better way to get on the “same page” as to have a family calendar. Especially since we now have two kids, our schedule can get quite hectic.


If you find that your schedule is out of control at times, it may be time to get a family calendar. On your family calendar you can share upcoming events, birthdays, and even a to-do list.


Never miss important events and dates again.