3 Things Husbands Need More Than Sex

By Jimmy Sliwa

There are three things that husbands need more than sex: air, water, and food.

Relax! Relax! Relax! I’m only kidding.


The real answer is

1. Respect

2. Peace

3. Trust.


Let me explain…


It’s no surprise to anyone that guys think about sex a lot. We can’t help it. 


But it’s an unfair assumption to say that men only care about sex.


We don’t.


There are actually numerous things that are more important to us than sex. 


Three of these are Respect, Peace, and Trust

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1. Respect- from our wife


All men want to feel respected in their relationships. This is true for friendships and especially true for marriage. Why do men care so much about receiving respect from their wife?


Respect encompasses a feeling of deep admiration for your husband based on qualities, abilities, or achievements. Having a deep admiration for your husband will drive his confidence through the roof. 


As a husband, knowing that my wife respects me gives me the confidence to make tough decisions. I know that she has my back and will give me opportunities to take risks because she respects me to make moves. 


Nothing builds more confidence than a wife that respects and supports her husband.

2. Peace – in the home

Your home should be a refuge; a place to come and rest. Without a peaceful home a man can’t get rest. 


The world is a crazy place. Work is demanding and there is a tremendous amount of pressure on men. Not only are we seeking to be providers; masculinity is under attack.


Having a peaceful home is of utmost importance. This is the place a man can let his guard down and be vulnerable. It’s impossible to be vulnerable without peace. A wife that promotes peace in the home gives her husband the opportunity to be transparent with his emotions. 


Guys not only want this; we need it. 


Living in peace with my wife gives me the recharge I need to take on the world and all its demands. Without peace I would become recluse to my own emotions.

3. Trust – from our wife

Trust is respects’ best friend. They go hand in hand. 


All husbands want to be taken for their word. When I tell my wife that I will do something I want her to rest in the fact that I will take care of it. 


Obviously, trust is something that is earned. If I don’t follow through on my word then it is easy to let trust slip through the cracks. 


The formula for trust  → TRUST = Faithfulness/time


This means that trust takes time to build and it takes consistency.

For more on building trust check out our article on 5 practical ways to build trust in your marriage.


Respect --> Confidence
Peace --> Vulnerable
Trust --> Faithfulness