3 Ways to Make Your Wife Feel Special On Family Vacation

By Jimmy Sliwa

Family vacation is what it sounds like; a vacation for the whole family.


But if your family is anything like mine, things are always a little hectic. Even a beach vacation still involves dealing with fussy children, cleaning poopy diapers, and cleaning sand out of hidden crevasses.


Family vacations are important for a healthy family dynamic. It’s great to have family time without the stress of work and life. It’s also good for the kids to see mom and dad let loose a little.


But as much as the kids need to enjoy vacation, your wife needs to feel special on vacation too.

She works hard year-round to keep things afloat for the family. Being a wife and mother isn’t just a full-time job, but one that involves overtime, every day. Not to mention your wife may also be working a regular 9-5. 


The kids are not going to prioritize their mom on vacation, so it is the husband’s responsibility.

Here are 3 tips to make your wife feel special even on family vacation.


1. Do Some of the Chores


Even on vacation there is a to-do list.


Pack lunches, do laundry, put kids to bed, pack and unpack luggage, and the list goes on.


The point here is that even on vacation husbands have a responsibility to check some things off the to-do list. Vacation is a great time to reverse the roles. For example, if your wife is the one who is always packing the children’s lunches, why don’t you step in and pack lunches for the day. Another thought is to unpack the suitcases and put the clothes away while your wife takes a bath. She could relax while you get the hotel room in order.


Yes, you are on vacation as well but as the adage goes “happy wife, happy life.” This is also true on vacation – if you bless your wife, chances are she will return the favor.


2. Spoil Her

It is good to splurge once in a while. Vacation is a prime opportunity to splurge on your wife. Perhaps you could pay for a massage or pedicure. 

Another thought is to let her choose the activities without any input. If she wants to lay out in the sun for an afternoon, then just do it. Don’t squash her version of vacation by choosing what you want to do all the time.


Make it known that she can do what she wants. Also, vacation is not the time to be a cheap a$$.

3. Take Her Out – Without the Kids


Date night should not take a back seat on vacation. This is actually a prime opportunity to have a date night that is out of the ordinary.


Get a babysitter for the night and make date night still happen. It is super healthy for relationships to have a date night that is beyond the usual.


A walk on the beach at sunset or getting a couples massage is something that she will always remember.