23 Family Mission Statement Ideas

By Jimmy Sliwa

In business, a mission statement details the purpose, goals, and direction of an organization. 


Although family is not a business, a family should still have a clear purpose and direction so they will meet their unique goals. A purpose that extends much bigger than yourself, and goals that are audacious and applaudable.


I don’t know about you, but I want a family legacy that outlives me. 


A mission statement can help with this as it will clearly define your family’s purpose, goals, and direction. Without a mission statement your family may fall victim to drifting through life without any clear course. 


Let a family mission statement be the compass that guides your family through life. 


Here is an example of my family’s mission statement –>


Sliwa Family Mission Statement

“As for me and my house we will serve the Lord, each other, and serve our neighbors. We will do this by stewarding our Talents and Giftings to Glorify God and Serve Others. We will live in Grace and Forgiveness as we move towards Health, Happiness, and Adventure as a family”

– Jimmy, Anna, Jayden, Kendal

In effort to help your family design a mission statement that meets your family’s needs, I have included 2 templates with 23 great mission statement ideas.

  1. Purpose bigger than yourself

    1. Our Family Exists to Glorify God

    2. Our Family Exists to Support One Another

    3. Our Family Exists to Serve Others

    4. Our Family Exists to Make Memories

    5. Our Family Exists to Thrive

    6. Our Family Exists to Make a Positive Impact

    7. Our Family Exists to Make Opportunities 

  1. Goalsaudacious and applaudable

    1. Raising a Family with Strong Moral Values

    2. Building Generational Wealth

    3. Building a Safe and Stable Future

    4. Stewarding our Talents and Giftings

    5. Leaving a Legacy

    6. Empowering Others to Realize Their Worth

    7. Enriching Family Experiences



  1. Directionwhere you are heading

    1. Move towards Health

    2. Move towards Happiness

    3. Move towards Gratitude

    4. Move towards Growth

    5. Move towards Adventure

    6. Live in Cooperation

    7. Live in Forgiveness

    8. Live in Love

    9. Live in Creativity




Option 1:


As for me and my house we will ( insert Purpose ) We will do this by ( insert goals ). We will live in (insert direction ) as we move towards ( insert direction ).



Option 2:


The ( insert last name ) family household exists to ( Insert Purpose ). We will accomplish this by ( Insert goals) . We are headed towards ( insert direction ) and ( insert direction ) . Will live in ( insert direction ) and ( insert direction ).

Wrap Up



Congratulations! Your family mission statement is an excellent start to getting the whole family on the same page.


You should be proud that your family has a clear vision for the future. Life has a way of throwing obstacles in your path. It is my hope and prayer that your family’s unique mission statement will be a guide to help you get through challenging family situations.