21 One-Liners That Will Work On Your Wife

By Jimmy Sliwa

Are one-liners cheesy?



Do they still work to get your wife to blush?



What other reason do you need to try these one-liners out on your wife?


Here are 21 On-liners that are sure to work on your wife!

1. You look like my next kiss!

2. You know what never gets old; you and me!

3. How is it you can fit Cute, Beautiful, and Sexy all into one body?

4. I almost forgot! I almost forgot I'm the luckiest man alive to be married to you 😉

5. I apologize....I apologize for taking your beauty for granted.

6. Remember that time I loved you forever?

7. Stop! You almost got away with my heart.

8. Is it just you or is it HOTT in here?

9. Arfgash gormelion....Excuse me... I didn't know you would make me speechless.

10. I thank God he made me. Otherwise some other guy would be with you and I wouldn't stand for that.

11. Is it just me or do you look like a million bucks!

12. I have to be careful walking down memory lane because every time I FALL in love with you!

13. I wish you knew how beautiful you are.

14. Knock Knock. “who’s there?” Manure. “manure who?” MAN YOU are gorgeous!

15. If our daughter grows up to look like you, I’ll have my hands full keeping the boys away.

16. AHHHH my eyes are dry…..because I can’t keep the, off you.

17. Knock Knock. “who’s there?” Achoo. “Achoo who?” I CHOOSE you over and over again!

18. Ok, OK…next time don’t bring your hotness into the argument.

19. Don’t forget to remember how I am in love with you.

20. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I love you!

21. You’re beautiful. “Thank you.” NO, THANK YOU!