15 Things Every Husband Should do at Least Once

By Jimmy Sliwa

If your life feels routine; then you know that it’s easy to get stuck in a rut. 

Husbands can have a tough time getting out of a rut sometimes. There are a ton of responsibilities and little time to accomplish all the goals we have. With a large to-do list and little time, it can feel that life just passes by.

This bothers me! The reason it bothers me is because I am a dreamer. 

I love to try new experiences and meet new people. I love new experiences because I know that by trying new things you make memories that last a lifetime. 

I want to have loads of memories by the end of my life. 

If you are looking to keep life and marriage fresh, make sure you try new experiences. 

In this post we have included 15 things that every husband shoulder try at least once in your lifetime. 

Say Bye-Bye to Mr. Mundane!

1. Get a Couples Massage

A couples massage is one of those experiences that is romantic and relaxing. Go ahead and treat your wife and yourself to a couples massage (preferably on the beach). This is an experience that you are sure to hold on too.

2. Write a Poem

Most men gag at the idea of writing a love poem. But chances are that your wife would love a thoughtful, well-written poem from you. Rise above the stereotype and channel your inner Shakespeare. 

3. Learn to Dance

Your wife would like it if you knew how to dance. Don’t feel bad if you have two left feet. No one is born with dance moves. You have to practice. Put your ego aside and learn how to dance – you may be surprised how much fun you can have. 

4. Sleep Under the Stars

Sleeping under the stars is the perfect way to gain perspective. As you lay under the stars, contemplate how small you are in the vast universe up above. 

5. Paint a Room - DIY Project

DIY projects are a terrific bonding experience. There is something about creating a comfortable atmosphere in your home. Take a room and get creative about a painting project. Let you wife choose the colors and the theme and you just be there to deliver a great product.  

6. Grow or Catch A Meal

Good husbands provide for their family. In modern times this often looks like punching in a time clock. Screw the cubicle and get outside. Provide for your by growing a meal in the garden or catching your meal. It’s always great to know where your food came from. 

7. Volunteer Your Time

Get outside of yourself and volunteer your time. Serving others will teach you to be less selfish. Life does not revolve around you. Take this to heart by volunteering your time. 

8. Visit a 3rd World Country

Visiting a 3rd world country really gives you a perspective on how blessed we are to live in a modern nation. The world is a big place with lots to explore. Try visiting a 3rd world nation and take in the sights; I can guarantee it will make you feel thankful for the life that you have. 

9. Get a Pedicure With Your Wife

Most likely your feet stink. Heck, you may even have athlete’s foot. Grow a pair and get a pedicure with your wife; if only once. 

10. Take Cooking Lessons

Cooking is not a woman’s chore. Men can cook too! If you need some help in the kitchen, try taking a cooking class sometime.  At the very least you need to have 2-3 signature meals under your belt. 

11. Plan a Family Vacation

Family vacations are essential for a healthy family dynamic. Family vacations make memories for the whole family. Don’t leave the planning up to your wife. Take charge of a family vacation and go make some memories. You don’t have to travel far to have fun as a family. A camping trip or stay at a beach house for the weekend will do the trick.

12. Go on a Road Trip With Your Wife

There is so much of the world to see by car. Get together some snacks and a good roadmap and hit the road. Have fun by making stops along the way and playing games as you travel. 

13. Fly First Class

It’s ok to treat yourself from time to time. Splurge sometime and fly first class. It will make for some great memories, not to mention make your travels that much more enjoyable. 

14. Find a Brand New Hobby

Break from the day-to-day routine and try a new hobby. You never know what you will really enjoy. Is it Skiing? Art? Fly Fishing? Kayaking? Rock Climbing? Dancing? Guitar? The options are limitless. 

15. Ride in a Limo

Limousines turn an ordinary ride into a special trip. Treat the love of your life to a limousine ride to make the occasion all the more special. 

Life is meant to be lived! Remember to try new experiences to keep life fresh.

How many of the items have you accomplished?

 I have completed 9 things on the list. I can’t wait to finish all 15!