15 Best Ways to Be More Charming

By Jimmy Sliwa

I’ll admit it. I’m not as charming as I was when I was single.

I used to wait patiently on my girlfriend, style my hair, and hold my farts in till my stomach hurt.

Now I let my impatience and flatulents fly more often than I’d care to admit. Honestly, it’s a little embarrassing. Where did the charm go?

Maybe it’s that I have become too comfortable with my wife?!? Or perhaps I became complacent due to my busy schedule. 

Whatever the reason, I have let my charm fade. It’s truly sad because charm is how you maintain admiration.

Why Be More Charming?

Charm is defined as the ability to give delight or arouse admiration. 

Charm is what sustains attractiveness in your marriage. You cannot rely on physical appearance alone because physical beauty fades with time. Charm on the other had is more of a personality trait that will never grow out of style. Charm is your charisma – it’s what draws others to you. It’s also what draws your wife to you.

Let me explain. You were physically attracted to your wife when you met her, but it was her charm that captivated you. 

You see, there are millions of beautiful women in the world, but the charm that your wife has is unique to her alone. No one else in the entire world is quite like your wife!

And guess what…charm is what attracted your wife to you!

If you want to maintain your attractive edge and build admiration and charisma, focus on becoming more charming.

In this blog post, I’ll cover the 15 Best Ways to Be More Charming.

15 Best Ways to Be More Charming

1. Smile More

A smile is universally seen as a sign of friendliness and approachability. When you smile, you not only appear more attractive but also convey warmth and positivity, which can make you more charming and likable in social interactions. Go ahead and show off those pearly whites!

2. Make Eye Contact

Eye contact is a powerful, nonverbal cue that signals attentiveness and interest. When you maintain good eye contact, you show that you are engaged and present in the conversation, which can make you appear more confident and charismatic. Don’t get caught looking down at your phone, but choose to look your bride in the eye when she is talking to you.

3. Exude Confidence

Confidence is an attractive trait. No one is attracted to a wimp. When you believe in yourself and your abilities, others are more likely to be drawn to you and respect your presence, leading to more positive and impactful interactions.

4. Practice Good Hygeine

Good hygiene is essential for making a positive impression on your wife. When you take care of your appearance and cleanliness, you not only look more attractive but also show that you respect yourself and care about your well-being, which can be quite charming. So please do yourself and your wife a favor and wear deodorant, spritz some cologne, and brush your teeth in the morning.

5. Exercise Tenderness

True gentlemen are tender towards others. Showing tenderness involves being gentle, caring, and empathetic towards others, especially your wife. This quality will make you more charming by demonstrating your emotional intelligence and capacity for kindness. The best way that I know how to exercise tenderness is to listen intently when others are talking. 

6. Be Compassionate

Compassion involves understanding and empathizing with others’ suffering and actively wanting to alleviate it. When you show compassion, you demonstrate a deep understanding of human emotions and a willingness to help. A charming husband will be compassionate towards his family.

7. Practice Chivalry

Chivalry is often associated with courtesy and honor, particularly towards women. While modern interpretations of chivalry may vary, demonstrating respect and thoughtfulness towards others will never go out of style. You don’t have to be a knight in shining armor to be chivalrous, you can take steps today to become a man of chivalry. 

31 Acts of Modern Chivalry – The Husband’s Club (thehusbandsclub.com)

8. Practice Patience

Patience is the ability to remain calm and understanding in the face of challenges or delays. When you practice patience, you show a level of maturity and self-control that can be quite charming. Don’t be a man that lets his anger get the best of him. Instead choose patience as a charming and mature form of control.

9. Play With the Kids

A good father is present, supportive, and nurturing towards his children. This is charming as it demonstrates your commitment to family and your ability to prioritize and care for the well-being of others, qualities that are often admired and respected. Trust me on this one, your wife will adore the fact that you give your kids your attention. 

10. Show Appreciation

Expressing gratitude and appreciation can make you more charming by showing that you value and acknowledge the efforts and qualities of others. This can create a positive and uplifting atmosphere in your interactions, making you more likable and approachable.

11. Remember Details About Someone

Remembering details (even small ones) about others demonstrates attentiveness and thoughtfulness, making them feel valued. This ability to recall information can create a deeper connection and show that you genuinely care about the person you’re interacting with. If you want to enhance your charisma, make remembering details about someone a priority.

12. Ask Others Questions

Asking others questions shows that you are interested in their thoughts, opinions, and experiences. This curiosity and willingness to listen will make you more likeable by creating engaging conversations and showing that you value their perspective.

13. Be A Good Story-Teller

A well-told story will captivate and entertain your audience. This charming pastime can create a memorable and engaging experience, making you more interesting in social settings. 

14. Be Optimistic - 'Half Glass Full'

Being a ‘half-glass-full’ kind of guy can make you more charming because it reflects a positive outlook on life. Positivity is contagious! Optimistic people are often seen as more approachable, friendly, and enjoyable to be around. Their positive attitude can uplift others, create a more pleasant atmosphere, and make interactions more enjoyable.

15. Be Unique

No one wants a cheap imitation of someone else. Being unique can make you more charming because it sets you apart and makes you memorable. Embracing your individuality and expressing it confidently is attractive to others because it shows authenticity and self-assurance. Being ok with being unique takes courage which is also another means to grow in your charm.Your unique qualities, interests, and perspectives make you who you are. Your uniqueness is the essence of your charm.

"Charm is the ability to make someone else think that both of you are pretty wonderful." -Kathleen Winsor