17 Long Distance Dates to Close the Gap

By Jimmy Sliwa

No matter how you look at it, long distance relationships suck. All you want is to be in close proximity to your partner, but the thousands of miles create quite the barrier. 

I can remember doing long distance with my wife while she finished up her last semester of college. I was in grad school in Washington, and she had to finish student teaching in Alaska before she could join me. That 4 months felt like forever in the moment, but thanks to modern tech, we were still able to connect on a regular basis. 

Don’t let distance be an excuse from connecting with your spouse. Date night is still important to prioritize especially during long distance relationships. If you are in a long-distance relationship, here are 17 dates you can do from afar. 

1. Take Online Personality Tests

Despite the distance, it is still possible to learn something new about your spouse. One of our favorite ways is to study your spouse’s personality. You can do this by taking the Enneagram Test.

We love the Enneagram because it will type your personality and give you insight to your own emotions as well as your spouses. This is a terrific way to learn something new of your spouse!

2. Snap Chat Date

This digital date has you “hanging out” while on snapchat. 

Create a list of 10 unique items to take a snap of (i.e. American flag, guitar, cup of coffee, sports car etc…) and have a race to see who can take a snap of all 10 items. This can be done in one evening or over the course of a couple days! 

And as always, loser has punishment of your choice!

3. Model Different Outfits Behind a Sheet

Ok this one is a little spicy, but what the heck you are married. 

Go ahead and model different outfits for each other while over Zoom or FaceTime. The catch is… get undressed behind a bedsheet with a bright light behind it. That way it will cast a shadow of you and your mate while you undress. Once you are all fancy go ahead and show off whatever outfit you chose.

4. Create A Music Playlist Together

While away you can still connect over music. Together, create a Spotify music playlist that reminds you of each other. This way you can listen whenever you are feeling lonely.  

5. Let Fate Decide - Coin Flip

All you need for this date is FaceTime and a coin.

Get your loved one on FaceTime and both plan to go for a walk. When you come to an intersection have your partner flip and coin to decide where you will go next. Heads for right and tails you hang left. 

Who knows where you will end up?

6. Read a Goodnight Story

Bedtime stories are not just for kids. If you have a good book or short story, you can read it to your spouse as they fall asleep. 

Falling asleep together is one of the most missed traditions when you are in a long-distance relationship. To get over the bed-time blues try reading a goodnight story. Sweet dreams!

7. Play an Online Game

A little friendly competition is a great way to bond even over the distance. With virtual board games, you can challenge your mate to have a little fun.

Here is a list of some fun games that you can use to have an online game night while apart. 

8. Watch a Show Together

Do you binge watch TV shows when your spouse is in the same place. You can still make this happen over FaceTime. Pick out a movie and hit play at the exact same time. Popcorn and snacks make for an even better showtime. 

9. Eat Dinner Over FaceTime

This one is pretty self-explanatory. Cook a meal ahead of time and enjoy over FaceTime. You can still have good food and good conversation even if you are in different places. 

10. Karaoke

Thanks to modern technology you can see and hear each other in real time. If you want to have a little fun and lots of laughs, try karaoke over FaceTime. Take turns choosing your favorite song and sing it out loud like no one is around!

11. Take The Love Language Test

If you don’t know your spouse’s love language, you are navigating marriage blindly. Together, take the love language test online and share your results with one another. You can find the Love Language Test Here.

12. Plan a Future Vacation

Just because there is a big distance doesn’t mean that you can’t make plans for the future. Together plan a future vacation with all the details. Plan location, where you will stay, and what fun activities you will do. 

This date gives you a hope for the future.

13. Do These 10 Challenges

Challenges are a fun and unique way to bond. I have ten challenges for you and your spouse to complete while over Facetime.

  1. Do a combined 100 pushups!
  2. Solve this riddle: “What’s greater than God. Worse than the devil. Poor people have it. Rich people need it. And if you eat it you will die?”
  3. Flex your muscles for you mate.
  4. Take a shot of hot sauce.
  5. Have a staring contest.
  6.  Play a round of charades.
  7.  Give your spouse a compliment.
  8. Share a story from your childhood.
  9.  Give your best twerk for your spouse.
  10. Choose tomorrows outfit for your spouse. 

14. Play Truth or Dare

Truth and Dare is a terrific way to learn something new about your spouse. Take time before the date to come up with a list of Truth questions and a list of Dares. Share your questions and dares over FaceTime or Zoom.

15. Play Would You Rather

This timeless game never gets old even if you have hundreds of miles between you. Either come up with a list of your own “would you rather” questions or you can find a set of free questions here at wouldyourather.io

16. Draw a Portrait of Your Mate

Time to get artsy.  Get out a pad of paper and pencil and sketch your mate’s beautiful face. Don’t worry if you are not artistic. 

Instead, focus on specific features that you see in your spouse and make those characteristics the focus. Does she have freckles? What color are her eyes? Does she have dimples?

Attention to detail is the most important part of this activity. 

17. House Hunt

If you are looking for a future home, why not start the house hunting and dreaming process today. You can look through Zillow at tons of different homes in different areas. This date idea gives you something to look forward to when you are back in the same place again. 

Need More Date Ideas?

Check out our growing list of date ideas in our date library.