11 Little Love Notes to Make Her Day

By Jimmy Sliwa

Does your wife like the movie “The Notebook?

Of course she does! That’s why she has seen it a dozen times. 

Therefore, she loves a good handwritten note. 

Do you wantl to add another element of creativity that is sure to deliver?

Here are 11 Little Love Notes That Will Make Her Day!

1. Use Chalk on the Driveway

Write out a message on the driveway using chalk. This will be a pleasant surprise when she arrives home. 

2. Write on Mirror With Dry Erase Marker

Take a dry erase marker and write on the mirror that your wife gets ready on. This will catch her off guard as she goes to put her makeup on.

3. Write on a Photo of Her

Before Instagram, there was printed photos. Take a printed photo and crush on your wife. Place this in a spot she will find.

4. Write on Toilet Paper Roll

This may be the longest love note in history. Take a sharpy and a fresh roll of toilet paper and write out love quotes and potty humor to express your appreciation. 

5. Write Inside Paper Airplane

Let your love take flight with this version of a love note. She will love the creativity it takes into making this note extra special.

6. Place Sticky Notes on Fridge

Take 21 sticky notes and place them in the shape of a heart on the fridge. On each note write out something you cherish about your wife. 

7. Send Her An Email

Your wife gets a ton of emails a day from people she doesn’t care about. Why not make her day a little more special with a custom love email from you! 

8. Send Her a Video Message

You know what is more personal than a text message. A Video text message. Take 1 minute to record yourself telling your wife how much you adore her. Be sure to include at least 3 things you notice about her.

9. Mail Her a Card

Send your wife a card in the mail. Address it to her, and have a little fun when you write out your love note. 

10. Carve It Into a Tree

This is a classic love note that lasts for generations. Choose a tree in the backyard and carve your initials into it. That tree will then become a perennial love note. 

11. Write in Another Language

Put a little mystery into your love note and write it out in another language. Thank goodness for Google Translate. 

Be a 'Noteworthy' Husband.