13 Meaningful Conversation Starters to Spark Connection

By Jimmy Sliwa

Out of 1,440 minutes per day, the average couple shares a measly 3 minutes of quality conversation per day! (Les and Leslie Parrot – Your Time Starved Marriage).


No wonder it’s hard to feel connected to your spouse. 3 minutes per day isn’t enough to make a sandwich, let alone have a deeply connected marriage.


Don’t be a statistic! She deserves much more than your “left-overs”. Remember, quality time is the fabric that holds a marriage together. You need to prioritize meaningful conversations if you intend to have any level of connection.


A general rule of thumb is to start with the 1% rule!


Give your spouse at least 1% of your time today. That’s 15 minutes. That’s it. Set time aside for at least 15 minutes of your time to share a meaningful conversation with your wife. Oh yea…. and make sure that you go below the surface level.


  • Surface level conversations lead to a surface level marriage.


  • Meaningful conversations lead to a meaningful marriage.


You and your wife have been through so much. Don’t let the connection fade because you don’t make time for each other.


Your goal should be to have a marriage relationship that looks like an iceberg. Under the surface of the water is the bulk of the iceberg. The bulk of the iceberg is built upon connection, trust, vulnerability, and intimacy.


You can’t have any of that without sharing deep, meaningful conversations – on a regular basis.


In this post I share 11 meaningful conversation starters that are sure to spark intimacy.

1. "I could really use your help with ____________. Is there a time that we could work on that?"

2. "I am so glad that we stuck it out when ________. It would have been easy to throw in the towel, but we made it through together."

3. "I really appreciate how you ___________________. It makes a huge difference in my life because__________________."

4. "You are one-of-a-kind. Some of my favorite qualities that are unique to you are _____________."

5. "I have learned a lot from you: _____________ and___________. Thank you for teaching showing me ____________."

6. "Remember the time we laughed so hard it hurt: ___________? I love laughing with you."

7. "What are 2 activities that you have been wanting to try? I personally want to try ____________."

8. "My biggest prayer for our marriage is ___________. This is important to me because _________."

9. "I can see God working in your life in these ways: _________________."

10. "When was the last time that I left you speechless? What would it take to leave you speechless again?"

11. "Ok we need a vacation. What would an epic vacation look like to you?"

12. "I feel the most loved when __________."

13. "When I think about growing old with you, I am most excited for ___________. What about you?"