11 Dates You Can Do Naked

By Jimmy Sliwa

The first date ever recorded took place in a garden and the couple was completely naked. You may have guessed who the couple was: Adam and Eve!

“Now the man and his wife were both naked, but they felt no shame.” – Genesis 2:25 

The original plan for marriage was for a husband and wife to be completely transparent with one another; holding nothing back. Isn’t that a beautiful picture? Naked and unashamed!

Nakedness in marriage is a good thing. Standing buck naked in front of your spouse is one of the most vulnerable and liberating things that you can do. Seriously, being naked and vulnerable is healthy for your marriage. 

Better yet, doing a date night or date day completely naked could do your marriage a whole lot of good. 

If this whole idea weirds you out, you may be missing out. Don’t knock it until you try it. 

Here are 11 date ideas you can do completely naked.

1. Star Gaze Strip Tease

We all know that star gazing is a classic date. Put a sexy twist on this date by making it a strip tease event. For every shooting star, satellite, or airplane that your partner sees, then off comes an article of clothing. 

2. Give Her a Henna Tattoo

Giving your wife a real tattoo isn’t realistic, but a Henna Tattoo is! Order up a henna set and set up a tattoo parlor in the bedroom. Play after the kids go to bed. 

3. Go Skinny Dipping

Pretty simple. Choose a secluded spot and bring a daring spirit. You should be prepared with towels and maybe a snack and drinks. Oh and it’s best to have a way to warm up after all the fun.

4. Do Naked Yoga

It’s quite trendy to combine yoga with other fun activities. There is beer yoga, goat yoga, and hot yoga. So why not add another fun twist and do some naked yoga with your spouse. I know this one can be a bit of a stretch but seriously, you should give it a try.  

5. Play Board Games

Board games are a terrific way to spend time talking with your spouse. Make board games a little less boring by playing your favorite games in the bedroom and without any clothes. 

6. Swap Massages

Put a whole new twist on getting a ‘couples massage’ and choose to swap massages. You can start the massage fully clothed and take layers off as they get in the way. 

7. Eat Dinner Naked

Prepare a nice home cooked meal and eat dinner at the table naked. Finger foods like chicken wings or fondue are always a fun combination. 

8. Glow in the Dark Body Paint

Get to know your spouse more intimately with some glow in the dark body paint. It’s like having a rave from your home. Be sure to set up sheets on the floor to keep things from getting to “messy.”

9. Take a Bubble Bath Together

Fill up the tub and get sudsy. You can help set the mood a little by lighting candles and having some soft music in the background. Some drinks and light snacks can be a nice touch as well. 

10. Play Twister Naked

Put a twist on this classic game by playing completely naked. Get all tangled up with your spouse and see who has the moves it takes to be the winner. Trust me, Twister is way more fun this way. 

11. Get Naked in Nature

If you find yourself in a secluded location, it’s ok to go all natural. Maybe it’s on a hike or on a secluded beach; wherever your outdoor destination is, you can make it more exhilarating by letting it all hang out. 

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