100+ Ways to Love Your Wife Today

By Jimmy Sliwa

“Would you get remarried if I died?” 

I was stunned and a little confused why my wife would ask me this question.

After a brief pause, I answered confidently, “No…I’d probably just go fishing more.”

Of course this question is a little off-putting , but what my wife really wanted to know is…. 

Am I replaceable? Am I deeply loved by You?

Your wife should never doubt that you love her!

But despite your efforts, it will happen anyway.

I think it’s because in today’s trending culture, “Love” has lost its original meaning. We use the word ‘Love‘ to describe a food, shoes, or anything that makes us feel good. 

—–This is why saying “I Love You” isn’t enough.—–

If you want your wife to actually believe she is deeply loved, you can’t just tell her; you have to show her. 

To help get your creative juices flowing, I put together this monster list of 100+ ways to love your wife.

The best part is any one of these ideas could be accomplished today. That means if you are serious about showing your wife that you love her, you can bring a smile to her face right now. 

100+ Ways to Love Your Wife Today

1. Write Her a Letter

Hardly anyone writes letters anymore, but it is still romantic. One of the most simple and impactful ways to love on your wife is to write her a hand-written letter. You can leave it for her to read in the morning or perhaps give it for her when she is sad. All it takes is a little time and effort to put your thoughts on paper. If you want a surefire way to make your gal feel loved, there is no better way than to write her a letter.

2. Bring Her Flowers Just Because

If your wife likes flowers, you ought to buy her some just for the heck of it. This is the most classic way to let your wife know that you are thinking of her and want to bless her. She will be thrilled that you took the time out of your day to make her feel special. 

Husband Club Pro Tip: I buy my wife alstroemerias because they are beautiful, inexpensive, and last a long time. 

3. Text Her Something Kind

Perhaps the easiest way to let your wife know that you love her is to do it through a text message. Go above and beyond a simple “I love you” message, and give her a message with substance. Tell her the reasons why you love her and all that you are thankful for.  

10 Text Messages to Bless Your Wife Today – The Husband’s Club (thehusbandsclub.com)

4. Hold Her Hand in Public

Don’t let your marriage lose the physical intimacy edge. Non-sexual physical touch is very important in marriage. Make sure that you hold your wife’s hand in public from time to time. This lets her know you are proud to be in a relationship. It will also give her a sense of security in the relationship. 

5. Shoot Her A Love Email

If your wife spends a lot of time on the computer answering emails, you can make her day by sending her an custom love email. This will help break up her workday and let her know that you are thinking of her.

6. Take the Kids Off Her Hands

If your wife is a busy mother, she will appreciate it if you take the kids off her hands. Give her some time to herself to relax. My wife loves our kids but she has a bigger capacity for parenting if I take the kids off her hands from time to time. 

7. Take Her On a Date

If you are too busy to date your wife, you are too busy! Date nights (or days) are critical for maintaining a healthy relationship. If you need some inspiration, check out our Date Idea Library. It is a comprehensive list of date ideas you can use to keep things  

8. Clean Out Her Car

Cleaning out your wife’s car is a thoughtful and loving gesture that goes beyond just maintaining the vehicle’s cleanliness. It shows her that you care about her comfort and well-being, both in daily life and in her personal space. This act of service demonstrates your willingness to go the extra mile to make her life easier and more enjoyable. 

9. Visit Her At Work

You want to be known as a supportive husband. Let your wife know that you support her career by visiting her at work. This simple gesture conveys that you’re genuinely interested in her life, achievements, and the environment in which she spends a significant part of the day. 

10. Bring Her Breakfast in Bed

Start her morning off right by serving her breakfast in bed. This is a gesture that communicates thoughtfulness and a desire to pamper her. She will feel loved by you because you are prioritizing brightening her day.

11. Bring Her Coffee

There are lots of ways you can serve your wife, but serving her favorite drink should be at the top of the list. It’s simple, meaningful and will make her smile. Plus the quiet moments shared over a cup of coffee allow you to connect, strengthening your love through daily, heartwarming moments. 

12. Cook Her Your Signature Dish

Not all of us can cook, but most of us have a signature dish that is her favorite. If your wife does most of the cooking, give her a break and get in the kitchen. By preparing a meal that you’ve mastered and know she enjoys, you are sure to make her feel loved. 

Husband Pro Tip:  extra brownie points are given to the husband that does the dishes after the meal.

Gift don’t have to be extravagant to be meaningful. In fact, sometimes it’s the small and thoughtful gifts that speak the most. If your wife’s love language is “gifts” than you ought to prioritize gift giving in your relationship. A thoughtful, well-timed gift has the power to make your wife feel cherished and loved.

14. Practice Chivalry

Chivalry should be a daily practice for all husbands. Unfortunately, chivalry is a dying art in many modern relationships. Chivalry encompasses courteous and considerate behavior, such as holding doors open, offering a hand, or showing deference in various situations. By prioritizing chivalry, you’re not only demonstrating your thoughtfulness and admiration for your wife, but also nurturing a sense of mutual respect in your relationship. 

Chivalry is an excellent way to keep the flame of love alive and create an atmosphere of romance and appreciation. 

31 Acts of Modern Chivalry – The Husband’s Club (thehusbandsclub.com)

15. Write a Family Mission Statement

As a husband, you have an opportunity to lead your family. I cannot think of a better way to do this than to write out a family mission statement. A family mission statement is a written statement that clearly defines the purpose, goals, and direction of your family. 

I don’t know about you, but I want to leave a legacy that outlives me. There is no better way to do this than to know your families mission statement and live it out. Go ahead and show your wife that you want to lead the family and start by writing down a family mission statement together. 

23 Great Family Mission Statement Ideas [Template] – The Husband’s Club (thehusbandsclub.com)

16. Fill Up Her Gas Tank

Don’t leave your wife’s tank on empty! By filling up your wife’s gas tank you are showing a consideration for her well-being. This act is simple, but it will bless her because it takes one thing off of her to-do list. 

17. Set Up a Baby Sitter

Don’t be like me and always leave finding a babysitter up to your wife. If you want to plan a date for your wife, go the extra mile and secure a babysitter in advance. This shows tremendous amount of forethought. She will be blown away that you want to spend time with her so badly that you went the next step and secured a babysitter for the evening.  

18. Plan a Fun Experience

Don’t let your love get stale. Think outside the box and plan a fun experience that you and your wife can enjoy. Something fun and creative is more memorable than a routine experience. If you need some help, check out our list of ideas that every husband should experience at least once. 

19. Gift Her a Journal

Gifting your wife a journal is a heartfelt way to express your love. A journal is a blank canvas for her thoughts, dreams, and emotions. By giving her a journal, you’re encouraging self-reflection, creativity, and personal expression. Show your wife that you value her interests and passions and gift her a journal of her own.

20. Mail Her a Letter

If you want to take leaving a note to the next level, try mailing her a letter. She will be totally shocked to check the mail and see a personal, handwritten letter address to her from you. Seriously husbands, this takes writing a letter to the next level of thoughtfulness and creativity. 

21. Compliment Her Character

Don’t only compliment your wife’s physical attributes; compliment her character as well. By highlighting her kindness, strength, intelligence, or any other admirable traits, you’re demonstrating your deep understanding for her as a person. It’s a reminder that you see the beauty in her heart and mind, not just her appearance. Compliments about her character reinforce the emotion connection in your relationship and convey your love and admiration for the person she is.

22. Be Flirtatious

Just because you are married is no excuse to quit being flirtatious. Playfully flirt with your wife to let her know that you still have the hots for her. Flirting, whether through sweet words, teasing, or affectionate gesture, adds a sense of excitement and desire to your connection. 

How to Flirt With Your Wife Again: 15 Tips – The Husband’s Club (thehusbandsclub.com)

23. Write a Thank You Letter to Your In-Laws

Your in-laws spent much of their life raising your wife. If you want to score some extra brownie points with the in-laws and with your wife, try writing a thank you letter to your in-laws. Thank them for raising a wonderful woman who is both beautiful inside and out. This gesture demonstrates that you value family ties and recognize that your wife has been directly impacted by your in-laws.  

24. Dance With Her in the Kitchen

It’s good to be spontaneous! The next time a song comes on that reminds you of your wife, take a moment and dance with your wife in the kitchen. It’s a gesture that transcends the ordinary, transforming the everyday routine into a romantic and joyful experience. The act of dancing in the heart of your home demonstrates that your passion for your wife is alive and well. Go ahead and sweep her off her feet!

25. Renew Your Vows

Your wedding day was probably the best day of your life. Who wouldn’t want to relive that day?

The purpose of a vow renewal is to honor the commitment you made to your spouse years ago. It’s like checking the map to reorient your marriage. The longer you have been married the deeper love and affection you have for your spouse. A mature marriage should be celebrated. In my opinion, there is no better way to commemorate your love than to have a wedding vow renewal.

26. Give Her a Foot Massage

Your wife works hard everyday. Give her reprieve from a hard day’s work and offer to give her a foot massage. Massaging her feet not only gives her physical relaxation, but also conveys your attentiveness to her work ethic. Go ahead and pamper those little piggies….she will love it!

27. Learn Her Love Language

If you don’t know your wife’s love language, you are navigating your marriage blindly. Love languages are the unique ways individuals express and receive love. There are five primary ones: words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch. By discerning your wife’s specific love language, you can tailor your expressions of love to resonate with her most deeply.

The Love Language® Quiz (5lovelanguages.com)

28. Create a Song Playlist That Reminds You of Her

Music has the ability to trigger all sorts of emotions. Go ahead and trigger the feelings of love by creating your wife a custom playlist of songs that remind you of her. This can be songs from when you two were dating or perhaps add your wedding song to the list.

29. Study Her

The best husbands NEVER stop studying their wife. “Studying” your wife in the context of a relationship means investing time and effort into understanding her deeply. The best way that I know how to study my wife is to ask her questions about herself. 

If you want some good ideas and conversation starters check out our link here –>

13 Meaningful Conversations Starters to Spark Connection – The Husband’s Club (thehusbandsclub.com)

30. Join a Challenge Together

Participating in a challenge together is a fun and creative way to bond with your wife. Whether it’s a physical fitness challenge, a cooking competition, or an intellectual pursuit, taking on a challenge as a team can create a sense of camaraderie and excitement in your relationship. It allows you to work towards a common goal, support each other’s efforts, and celebrate your achievements together.

31. Pray Together

Praying together as a couple is a powerful practice that will bring numerous benefits to your relationship. It deepens emotional intimacy, improves communication, aligns your values, and provides a source of comfort during challenging times. 

While starting a prayer life together it may feel unfamiliar and awkward, but the rewards are well worth it. The rewards of a vibrant prayer life have eternal benefit. Show your wife that you love her on a spiritual level by initiating praying together.

32. Attend Church

Another way to foster love and a spiritual connection with your wife is to attend church together. Attending church together can strengthen your love and provide a strong foundation for your relationship, rooted in faith and with shared values. Don’t let your wife attend church alone: choose to go with her and be an active participant. 

33. Put a Picture of Her Up at Work

If you want an easy way to boost your wife’s confidence, put a picture of her up at your work. It serves as a constant reminder of her presence in your life and demonstrates to colleagues the importance she holds in your heart. It’s a personal touch that adds warmth and connection to your workspace, and it shows that you can carry your love for her with you wherever you go.

34. Make Her Picture Your Phone Home Screen

If you are like me, you look at your phone about 100x per day. Making your home screen a picture of your wife is a simple yet profound act that serves as a visual reminder of your love and commitment to your wife. Plus, your wife will appreciate that you have chosen to make her a part of your daily routine. 

35. Tell Her She is Beautiful

Your wife needs to know that she is beautiful every single day. Not just on the days that she is wearing makeup. 

Telling your wife that she is beautiful is the most simple and meaningful way to express your love and admiration. As her husband, your words have a profound impact on your wife. Sharing regular reminders that you have the hots for your wife will give her an added does of confidence and security.

100 Words to Use Instead of “You’re Beautiful” – The Husband’s Club (thehusbandsclub.com)

36. Listen to Her Without Interruption

Communication involves talking and listening. Don’t dominate the conversation by talking only about yourself. Ask your wife some deep and thought-provoking questions, and then give her time to respond by listening to her. 

This is called – Active Listening. First you ask open ended questions about her life. Secondly, pause and listen to her without interrupting. Lastly, recite back what she said and the emotions that it makes her feel. 

The act of attentive listening will allow your wife to feel heard and understood which will strengthen your emotional connection. 

37. Draw Her a Bath

If your wife loves taking baths you can surprise her by drawing her a bath at the end of a long day. IF you can sense that your wife needs some alone time to relax, go ahead and start a bath for her. You can help to set a relaxing atmosphere by lighting some candles and possibly setting up some soft music. 

38. Do "Her" Chores

Your wife has a lot on her plate. An easy and effective way to demonstrate your love for your wife is to do “Her” chores. These are the chores that she typically does. 

For example: my wife typically does the laundry while I typically mow the lawn. She loves and appreciates when I make the effort to fold the whole families laundry. Doing “Her” chores is a great act of love especially for the wife whose love language is Acts of Service.

39. Kiss Her on the Forehead

Physical tough is very important for marriages. Kissing is a romantic gesture that never seems to get old. Sometimes, a subtle and gentle kiss of the forehead is the perfect way to let your wife feel cherished without any expectation of anything more. 

40. Meal Prep for the Kids

If you have children, they need to eat healthy food. Don’t leave the meal prepping and lunch packing up to your wife alone. Step in and make some healthy food for the children. This is another example of taking some of the load off of your wife especially if she does most of the packing school lunches.

Husband Pro Tip: You will receive bonus points if you leave the kids a note in their lunch box.

41. Wake Up and Catch the Sunrise

A romantic way to start the morning is to wake up early and catch a sunrise. If you choose to do this, be sure that your wife actually wants to wake up early. Go the next step and find a beautiful spot to catch the sunrise and then bring some coffee to sip and enjoy. 

42. Learn to Dance

Many men hate dancing. This is fine, but if your wife likes to dance you ought to learn a few dance moves. The next time that you are at a wedding or other social gathering where dancing is involved, you will have an opportunity to bust a move. 

43. Pull Some Harmless Pranks

Since you married your best friend, don’t you think she deserves a lighthearted prank from time to time?

Pulling a harmless prank on your wife is a wonderful way to make her laugh. 

Marriage doesn’t have to be mundane: you can spice up your marriage in many ways. One of the best ways that I know is to pull a silly prank on your wife. If you need some inspiration, check this out–>

7 Silly Pranks You Should Pull on Your Wife – The Husband’s Club (thehusbandsclub.com)

44. Take a Walk Down Memory Lane

One of the best activities you can do for your marriage is to take a walk down memory lane. Thinking back on the past will conjure up good memories and feelings. This is a great way to remind yourself of the reasons you fell in love. 

There are many ways in which you can take a walk down memory lane. You can simply look through old pictures on your phone, or you could revisit some of your favorite spots when you were dating, or perhaps you can listen to your wedding songs. It doesn’t matter which activity you choose, it just matters that you revisit your past from time to time to remember all the reasons you choose to marry your wife. 

45. Share a Hobby

It is a proven fact that men tend to open up and talk more when they are pre-occupied with a task. If you want a new way to love your wife and share an experience with her, then you should share a hobby together.

 Want some inspiration –> 10 Hobbies You Should Share with Your Wife – The Husband’s Club (thehusbandsclub.com)

46. Ask Her Deep Questions

According to Les and Leslie Parrot, the average couple only spends 3 min of quality conversation per day. No wonder it’s hard to feel connected to your spouse at times!

Don’t aim for average, aim to a relationship that is rich in quality time. The best way to do this is to ask deep and thought-provoking questions. 

Here is a great starter list.

13 Meaningful Conversations Starters to Spark Connection – The Husband’s Club (thehusbandsclub.com)

47. Cross Things Off Your Bucket List

YOGMO – You Only Get Married Once (ideally).

You vowed till death do you part, but there is a lot of living to do in the mean time. Don’t let your marriage become stagnant and boring. Show your wife that you still want to spend all your days with her and begin to cross things off your bucket list together.

48. Try These Pick Up Lines

Are pick up lines cheesy? Yes; but they are still effective at making your wife laugh.

Go ahead and give your wife the gift of giggles and try some of these pick up lines.

21 One-Liners That Will Work On Your Wife – The Husband’s Club (thehusbandsclub.com)

49. Write Her a Song

If you have any musical talent, take this opportunity to love your wife by writing her a song. I did this when we were dating and it is still my wife’s favorite song of all time!

50. Write Her a Poem

Expressing your feelings through poetry adds a personal and intimate touch to your relationship. Writing a poem for your spouse demonstrates thoughtfulness, creativity, and the effort to articulate your emotions. Yes it may be an old school tactic, but if your wife is a romantic she will love a well-penned poem. 

51. Set Important Dates in Your Calendar

Remembering and celebrating important dates, such as anniversaries and milestones, is a simple and tangible way to show your commitment and appreciation to your wife. Put some forethought in and schedule these events in your calendar. This demonstrates reliability in your relationship…something that is invaluable to all marriages. 

52. Talk Highly of Your Wife Around the Kids

Your kids should see that you love and respect their mom. Modeling respect and admiration for your spouse in front of your children sets a positive example for them. Speaking highly of your wife not only strengthens the family unit but also teaches your children the importance of valuing and appreciating each other. Speak highly of your wife in front of the kids to create a sense of admiration that the children will follow. 

53. Talk Highly of Your Wife Around Your Friends

Likewise, you should talk highly of your wife around your friends. Few things are more damaging for a relationship than badmouthing to your friends.

Speaking positively about her accomplishments, qualities, and contributions shows that you value and appreciate her, fostering a positive perception of your marriage within your social circle. It also sets a tone of mutual respect in your broader relationships.

54. Go to Bed at the Same Time

Shared bedtime routines contribute significantly to a sense of unity in a marriage. Going to bed at the same time promotes intimacy, facilitates communication, and provides an opportunity for connection before sleep. It establishes a consistent and comforting pattern, fostering a deeper emotional connection between spouses.

55. Eat Meals as a Family

Eating dinner at the same time regularly is a simple and effective way to connect with your spouse and family. There is a ton of research to support the benefit of eating a meal together. By sitting down and eating together, you have an opportunity to talk about your day and hear how your spouse is doing. Make eating dinner at the table a regular part of your weekly routine to show your wife that you value time with her. 

56. Be a Man of Your Word

Trust is the cornerstone of a healthy marriage. Being true to your promises and commitments builds a foundation of trust and reliability. When you consistently follow through on what you say, it creates a sense of security for your spouse, fostering a deeper connection based on mutual respect and dependability. Be a man of your word!

57. Send Her a Love Video

In the age of technology, a personalized video message can speak more than a simple text message. Record a heartfelt message expressing your love, appreciation, and gratitude for your wife. This show of affection will brighten her day and serve as a reminder of your love for her. 

58. Snuggle Her While You Watch a Movie

While you unwind from a busy day, snuggle in close to your wife. Let her lean on you and scratch her back. Prioritize non-sexual touch and just enjoy being close to her. Bonus points if you let her pick the movie. 

59. Spend a Tech Free Day Together

In today’s day, the average American will get over 6 hours of screen time per day. Fight the trend and choose to spend a tech free day and focus on quality time with one another. My wife and I will do this on occasion when we take a Sabbath day. I must admit, taking a break from the phones and television creates so much more time to spend with one another. 

60. Watch Your Wedding Video

Revisit the memories of your special day by watching your wedding video together. Reflecting on the journey you’ve shared can reignite the romantic spark and remind you both of the commitment you made to each other.

61. Write Out a Joint Bucket List

You are in it for the long haul; “till death do we part.” Create a shared bucket list of things you want to complete together before you die. It’s a fun way to dream about the future together! 

62. Give Her Time to Go Out With Her Friends

Encourage and support your wife in maintaining her social connections. Giving her time to spend with friends demonstrates respect for her individuality, while also reinforcing the importance of a balanced and fulfilling life outside of the marriage. It will make your wife happy and can make your life easier. 

63. Write a Love Note on the Mirror

Surprise your wife with a sweet or playful love note on the bathroom mirror. My favorite way to do this id with a dry erase marker! It’s a small gesture that will start her day off right.

64. Heart Attack Her Car

If you want to surprise your wife try attacking her car with hearts. Balloons, notes, Hersey kisses etc… the point is to give her a “heart attack!” This unexpected gesture shows thoughtfulness and creativity, adding an element of fun and romance to her day.

65. Leave Her a Voicemail

The next time that your wife’s phone goes to voicemail don’t hang up; leave her a voicemail. Be funny or sweet. She will be totally surprised when gets an out-of-the-blue voicemail from you.

66. Whistle at Your Wife

Whistling at your wife can be a playful and endearing gesture that adds a touch of spontaneity to your interactions. This light-hearted expression of admiration and affection can make her feel noticed and appreciated. Whether it’s a tune that holds special meaning for both of you or just a cheerful whistle to catch her attention, this simple act can contribute playfulness in your relationship.

67. Use These One-Liners On Her

Are one-liners cheesy? Yes! But they will still work at making your wife blush. What other reason do you need to try one of these one-liners out on your wife?

21 One-Liners That Will Work On Your Wife – The Husband’s Club (thehusbandsclub.com)

68. Recreate Your First Date

Revisiting the magic of your first date is a powerful way to reignite that spark in your marriage. Recreating that special moment in time not only brings back cherished memories but also reaffirms the bond you share. It’s a nostalgic journey that will remind your wife of the how you two fell in love.

69. Compliment Her Beauty Even When She Isn't Dolled Up

Complimenting your wife’s beauty on regular, everyday occasions reinforces a genuine appreciation for her beyond any external adornments. It communicates that you value her natural self and that your love is not contingent on appearances. This practice fosters a positive body image and strengthens the foundation of your connection.

70. Take Pictures Without Complaining

Being willing to take pictures together, even if it’s not your favorite activity, is important because it shows your willingness to participate in shared experiences. Put a smile on and your ego aside and go ahead and create lasting memories with your wife. 

71. Ask Questions About Her

Showing a genuine interest in her thoughts, feelings, and experiences is crucial for building a deep connection. It will help foster communication that is important for intimacy in relationship. Don’t just talk about yourself but include her in the conversations. 

72. Drop Her Off at the Front Door

It’s a simple, courteous act that will speak volumes to your wife. Simply drop her off near the door so she doesn’t have to walk across the parking lot or street. She will appreciate the consideration. 

73. Schedule Important Dates (Anniversary / Birthdays) in Your Phone

Scheduling important dates in your phone is a practical way to ensure you never overlook significant milestones in your relationship. Remembering and celebrating anniversaries and birthdays is a form of acknowledgment and respect for your partner. It communicates that these moments are cherished and worthy of recognition, contributing to the overall emotional well-being of the marriage.

74. Have Manners

When you dated your wife, you had manners. You did this because you wanted to impress her. Don’t give up on having manners just because you are married. Be polite! Don’t belch or fart in front of your wife. Say please and thank you when she does something nice. Basically, do all the things that your mother taught you. 

75. Take Care of the Cars

Your wife likely spends a lot of her time in the car. Let her know you love her by taking care of the car that she drives. You can do this by cleaning it out or perhaps making sure that the tires have enough air pressure. And definitely make sure you do regular oil changes so she doesn’t have too. 

76. Ask Her to Walk Around the Neighborhood

Explore your area and ask your wife to go for a walk around the block. Walking is one of the best ways to get a good conversation started. As you walk around the block talk about your future together and what you would like to see in your dream home. 

77. Set a Digital Curfew

1 Hour before bedtime disconnect from your phone. By disconnecting you will actually be able to reconnect to your wife through meaningful conversation. Don’t give all your attention to your devices, give it to you wife especailly at the end of the day.

78. Write a Note of Gratitude

Expressing gratitude is a powerful way to reinforce positivity in your marriage. Take a moment to write a note of gratitude and acknowledge the little things your wife does. This will communicate that her efforts are noticed and valued!

80. Learn Her Personality Style

Understanding your wife’s personality style allows for better communication and connection. Whether she’s introverted or extroverted, detail-oriented or big-picture-focused, recognizing and appreciating her unique qualities helps navigate differences and strengthens your ability to support each other effectively.

One of the most tried and true personality tests is the Enneagram. Go ahead and get to studying your wife!

Quiz (enneagramtest.com)

81. Give Her a Long Gentle Hug

Physical touch is a powerful way to communicate love and connection. A long, gentle hug has the ability to convey warmth, comfort, and security. Research states that a 2 minute hug can lower blood pressure and decrease anxiety. Go ahead and take a moment to embrace your wife in a gentle and loving manner.

82. Give Her a Pet Name

Invent a special nickname for your wife that is unique to her. This small gesture lets her know that you think fondly of her. Pet names are simple endearing ways to flirt with your wife. Some of the classic names are things like “honey, babe, or beautiful.” But in my opinion, it is best to come up with creative nicknames. This adds a personal touch ;)i

83. Serve Her Breakfast in Bed

You don’t have to wait for Mother’s Day to surprise your wife with breakfast in bed. Surprising your wife with breakfast in bed is a loving gesture that shows thoughtfulness and care. It doesn’t have to be grand — even a simple, well-prepared breakfast communicates that you prioritize her comfort and happiness. It’s a delightful way to start the day and fosters a sense of romance and appreciation.

84. Praise Your Spouse

Your wife should never doubt that you think highly of her. Regularly offering sincere praise and compliments to your spouse strengthens their sense of self-worth and contributes to a positive atmosphere in your relationship. Recognizing and vocalizing (key here) the qualities you admire fosters a supportive and affirming connection.

85. Let Her Sleep In on a Weekend

Providing your spouse with the opportunity to sleep in, especially on weekends, is a considerate way to show that you acknowledge and respect her need for rest and relaxation. It’s a simple yet impactful gesture that communicates your commitment to her well-being.

86. Care For Her When She is Sick

Taking care of your spouse when she is unwell demonstrates compassion and commitment. Whether it’s preparing chicken noodle soup, bringing medicine, or offering to scratch her back; this act of care strengthens the bond by showing support in times of vulnerability.

87. Kiss Her First Thing When You Get Home From Work

The first few moments when you get home from work can set a positive tone for the evening. Initiating a kiss as soon as you arrive home is a sweet way to express your affection. It sets a positive mood, signaling that you are happy to be home and eager to connect with your spouse after being apart.

88. Scratch Her Back While She Falls Asleep

Gentle physical gestures, such as scratching her back, provide comfort and a sense of security. It’s an intimate act that can be soothing and contribute to a peaceful bedtime routine. An important note is to keep things from becoming sexual – remember No Strings Attached!

89. Put the Kids to Bed on Time

If you have kids it’s important that you don’t let them rob you and your wife of alone time. One of the best ways to make sure this happens is to put the kids to bed on time. As a bonus, offer to put the kids to bed so your wife can get the evening started off on a relaxing note. She will appreciate the gesture. 

90. Blow Kisses to Her

Flirting with your wife should be a regular thing. Blowing kisses in her direction is a playful and affectionate way to express you have the hots for her. It’s a lighthearted and flirtatious gesture that can bring a smile to your spouse’s face, reinforcing the joy and romance in your relationship.

91. Smell Her Perfume and Ask What Type it Is

Taking notice of and appreciating your spouse’s perfume is a sensory way to express interest in her preferences. Asking about the type of perfume she wears shows that you are attuned to the details that make her unique. Bonus points if you remember her scent and buy her some perfume when she is of low supply.

92. Slide Into Her DMs

Your wife probably spends her time on Instagram…why not use this as an opportunity to remind her how much you love her. Go ahead and craft a fun and romantic message that lets her know you are thinking of her.

93. Snap Chat Her Something Funny

Leveraging technology to share humor through Snapchat is a modern and playful way to connect. Sending something funny not only brings joy but also communicates a desire to share moments of laughter, even in the midst of daily routines.

94. Buy Her Favorite Wine

Surprising your spouse with her favorite wine is a thoughtful and considerate gesture. It shows that you pay attention to her preferences and are willing to go the extra mile to bring her joy. Sharing a glass together can also create a relaxed and enjoyable moment for both of you.

95. Save Your Eyes For Her

When you married your wife you made vows to exclude all others. The simplest way to reserve yourself for your wife is to keep your eyes on her and her alone. Give her the gift of security by keeping your eyes and thoughts and sexuality directed at only her!

96. Do an Activity She Wants

My wife likes to bowl and I don’t. But knowing that she likes to go bowling is reason enough for me to go ahead and make it happen. If there is an activity that your wife likes, make sure that you put her wants ahead of your own. She will appreciate the fact that you value putting her ahead of your own interests. 

97. Watch a Chick Flick

If you and your wife like to relax by watching TV, don’t always choose the show that you want. Let her have the choice from time to time, even if you don’t like the show. It’s ok to watch a chick-flick…it won’t kill you. 

98. Say "No" to the Boys

A surefire way to let your wife know that you love her is to say “no” to the guys when they want to hang out. Now to be fair, it is very important for husbands to have “guy time.” But you don’t want to overcommit and leave your wife feeling starved for attention. Read the situation and say “no” to a guys hang out from time to time so that your wife knows that she is the priority. 

99. Learn Her Sexual Needs

Just like you, your wife has sexual needs. Chances are these needs are very different from yours. The best way to learn about your wife’s sexual needs is to ask her. And when you talk about sex, make sure that there are no strings attached. Tell her that you are interested in learning about her sexual needs so that you have a better understanding of how to love her more effectively. Don’t assume it will lead to sex

100. Give Her Cash to Go Spend on Herself

Empowering your spouse to indulge in something special for herself by providing cash is a generous and thoughtful gesture. If she is a frugal gal, go ahead and give her an opportunity to spoil herself with your approval.

Love Your Wife Like Only You Can.