10 Easy Micro Dates on a Time Crunch

By Jimmy Sliwa

With every milestone you hit, life only gets busier. 

“First comes love; then comes marriage; then comes bills, babies, and more busyness.”

With how busy life is, it’s difficult to make time for your biggest priority – your marriage. 

Far too often, couples let the busyness of life get in the way of quality time. Connection can easily fall through the cracks in today’s craziness. It really is a shame because date night can spice up your marriage. 

The truth is: If you are too busy for date night, you are too busy. The reality is that dates don’t have to take the whole evening. They can actually be accomplished in any pocket of time (20 minutes). 

Frequent micro-dates are just as valuable as more extravagant dates. The little moments of connection are very important for healthy relationships. If you have 20 minutes you have time to connect.

If your busy schedule leaves your marriage starved for time you can at least start with one of these 10 micro-dates.

1. Walk the Block

Long summer days are the perfect opportunity to walk around your neighborhood. Use this time to dream about your future and what home projects you may want to accomplish. 

2. Visit the Garden

There is something peaceful about gardens. If you have a garden, take your wife outside and pay a visit to the flowers and vegetables. You can work together or maybe enjoy a little bit of your harvest. 

3. Hide from the Kids

If you have children, you know how hard it can be to get alone time. A great way to make that happen is to hide from your kids. Sneak off into the closet or into the garage to share some alone time. It’s always fun to see how long it takes the kids to come looking for you. 

4. Dance in the Kitchen

There is something romantic about dancing in the kitchen. If that special song comes on, use the opportunity to grab your bride and do a little dance. This small moment of connection can be enough to make her day.

5. Take a Shower Together

You shower every day so why not save water and shower together. This is a great opportunity to talk without interruption as well as be completely vulnerable.

6. Groom Your Spouse

This is a fun way to spend time together no matter the time of day. If you are getting ready at the same time you can take a chance to groom your spouse. The options are endless:

  • paint her nails
  • comb her hair
  • let her tie your tie
  • let her style your hair

7. Sit and Sip Some Coffee

Slow mornings are the best when shared with your spouse. Brew some morning coffee and serve your spouse. Together you can sit and chat about the day or any upcoming special events. 

8. Hop in Bed and Cuddle

If you are too busy to cuddle, you are too busy. The bond created during touch is vital to all marriages. If you are given the opportunity, snuggle in bed under some warm covers. 

9. Meet Up Over Lunch Hour

The work week can be crazy busy. If you happen to have lunch around the same time plan to meet somewhere to grab a bite to eat. Try a new restaurant or establish a favorite. Either way, it’s always nice to eat with your loved ones. 

10. Eat Breakfast in Bed

Who says you have to eat at the table. Wake up early and make breakfast for your bride and serve it to her in bed. Spend a slow morning munching on bacon and planning your day. 


“Not enough time” isn’t a good excuse to skip a date with your spouse. Micro-dates consisting of short duration of connection are valuable to all marriages. For couples that want to make micro dates happen, it’s as simple as meshing schedules. 

Take a look at your schedules and pencil in time together. It could be before work, at lunch, or on a slow weekend evening. It doesn’t really matter the time of day; it only matters that you make intentional effort to bond with your bride.