10 Hobbies You Should Share With Your Wife

By Jimmy Sliwa

You and your wife should share hobbies.


Because shared hobbies lead to connection. Sharing hobbies is one of the best ways to build a common bond.

This Husband Pro Tip is for the wives out there.

Listen up wives. If you are having trouble getting your husband to carry on deep conversation, try giving him something to keeps his hands busy. Men with busy hands and a task to complete are far more likely to open up than a man who is sitting still.

Think about it. Guys never get together to hang out and chat. No! Guys get together to work on a vehicle or tie flies or build a deck. Men open up emotionally when their hands are busy completing a task.

This is why sharing common hobbies can be terrific for your marriage!

My wife and I like to do DIY projects together. We have like to DIY together ever since we flipped our first home. 

Although it’s not always butterflies, sharing a project meets both our needs- my wife gets to scratch her creative itch and I get to get my hands dirty with some manual labor. 

And to top it off, we get to bond over a job well done.

 It’s a win, win, win. 

Below are 10 hobbies that would be great to share with your wife. 

1. Gardening

Gardening is slow and peaceful. This is a terrific way to connect with nature and connect with your wife. Together go to the store and pick out which seeds you would like to grow. Then cultivate the soil and watch things grow. The beauty of this shared hobby is that it lasts all summer long and has a bounty at the end. 

Remember, just like gardening; you reap what you sow. Be sure to sow quality time into your marriage. 

2. Brew Kombucha

 If you like Kombucha you should learn to brew your own. This light and fuzzy fermented tea has huge health benefits. Plus, it’s fun to experiment with. You and your wife can try out different flavors and ingredients. The more you practice, the better you will get. The brewing process takes a few days, so you get to watch your brew and love grow. Cheers!

3. Exercise

 The couple that sweats together sticks together. Like literally sticks. 

Ok gross, but did you know that couples that exercise together feel better about their self-esteem. Sharing a common exercise activity is a great way to find fun and fitness. You could try rock-climbing, or cross country skiing, or completing a 5k together. 

4. Cooking

Did you know that couples that place a high value on cooking together tend to stay together longer. Food is a center piece in any culture. Why not share this activity with your wife and work on your cooking skills. Together you can plan new and exciting dishes to try.

5. DIY Projects

This is the hobby that my wife and I share. It works out great because she gets to get in touch with her inner Joanna Gaines and I get to get my hands dirty. We enjoy our trips to Lowes where we get to pick out the colors and designs for the room. Plus, as a bonus you will get to look back on the project that you both completed. 

6. Walking

We all know the health benefits of walking, but there are additional benefits to walking with your spouse. When you walk together you create time to talk without having an agenda. You can explore somewhere new or go somewhere familiar. The key is that you decompress from your day and spend time together in the outdoors. 

7. Play an Instrument

For those that have a musical background, playing music together could be a fun way to bond. Together you could learn the cover of a popular song, or you could write a new song altogether. Playing music challenges the left side of the brain which is important for focus and verbal communication. The byproduct of playing music together may just be that you improve your communication skills. 

8. Take a Hike

If exploring is your thing, than taking a hike is a great way to experience new places. Get outside and get active. If you need some inspiration to new hiking trails check out

 AllTrails: Trail Guides & Maps for Hiking, Camping, and Running | AllTrails

9. His Activity

Sometimes the best activities are ones that are important to the husband or wife. Compromise from time to time and try his favorite hobby. This could be camping, fishing, video gaming, or cooking. If it is important to him its worth doing together. 

10. Her Activity

Likewise, if it is important to your wife, it is important to try sometime. My wife likes to make sourdough bread. Personally, I don’t have the patience for making the dough, but I entertain her endeavors because I know it is important for her. Plus, I enjoy the food at the end. My wife appreciates when I choose to do an activity that she enjoys rather than always choose my way. 

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